chapter 5

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As I was walking home after school we just got back from tour and I was forced to walk home and to school today I got detention and I had to clean Miss,Clarke's class room so it was dark when I was walking home I always keep a knife on me oh and I messed with the schools known bad boys and yeah it was fun I might die because the look they gave me that could kill me .
I was almost home when I heard footsteps behind me and I quickly got the hint to pick up my pace so I did I was in a bluish top and shorts with a light blue hat and shoes I was walking fast . I was almost at my house when I start to feel fuzzy then I black out .
When she wakes up
I slowly sit up quickly realizing that was a mistake on my part because next thing I know I feel pain in my side .I look around and find I'm in a black room and the bed is on a bedframe like it should be but at my old house I was on the floor not with the boys of course , but anyway I look around and see a door I slowly get off the bed and tiptoe to the door I slowly open it and see one of the bad boys I kick him in the chest and as the other one next to him tried to hit me I doge and I kick him in the balls then I slam their heads together and I blot downstairs and see the middle one and two more next to him they run at me I jump over them and I do a round house kick and send one of them flying and they get knocked out I hit the other one square in the jaw and I break his and he tries go hit me I doge his hits and I kick him in the balls and he falls down holding them then I slam his head onto the floor .
The other one just looks at me I smile and he walks over to me and punches my side the one that hurt earlier I tried to block but he was fast he tried to hit me again I grab his shoulders and he froze I jump over him and I kick him from behind and I slam his head against the wall and the others start waking up shit .
I bolt out the back door and find the road I have blood on me and sadly on Devils hat yeah I'll be in trouble I haven't even noticed it was day outside I run to my house and I see the boys outside I run over to them but a hands wrap around my waist and mouth I squirm and I elbow him but he dragged me back to that hell hole I just got away from and they throw me inside the room I was in before .
I hiss in pain but I know it will heal in no time at all my right eye is fuming with anger I can tell I feel adrenaline go through my veins my eyes flicker to the 5 boys at the door
"Let me go "I said in a low voice I see the boys jump
"Never "middle man said
"Look I don't have time for this let me go "I said and I can tell Jason is outside
"MELISA!"Jason yelled
"HELP!"I yelled loud and I know he heard as he breaks down the front door and runs up the stairs and gets inside the room the 5 just frozen
"Melisa "Jason said and I have blood on my hands
"I'm fine "I huff
"Good now why do you five have Melisa ?"Jason said
"Because we can "middle said
"No you don't !"I growl at them
"Melisa we don't need a repeat of last time "Jason said and I look at the floor my hair fell over my face and I hide my hands healing
"Look we only want to teach her a lesson"middle said
"No "Jason said
"Its quick and easy if she doesn't fight "Middle said
"She will "Jason said
"Look I only want her to know not to mess with us "Middle said I growl
"Mess with you don't make me laugh I only was teaching you a lesson you boys needed "I said low voice no fear at all
"Said the girl who is hear "A guy with blond hair said
"I wouldn't be hear of you didn't kidnap me "I state and growl
"Melisa calm down "Jason said
"Just this once please "I beg
"No "Jason said
"Look just leave "Middle said and Jason grabbed my healing wrist
"Not without her "Jason said
"I'll be fine you know this and if it comes to anything you know what I'll do "I said
"I don't care your a little sister to all of us "Jason said
"I know Jason and if they ask you never heard about this just that I am doing fine "I said and I knock him out
"Your lucky I did that you touch me I kill every single one of you "I said and I take his body outside and I place my hand on his head and take away the part of this but not about me being ok
"Well "Middle said and I got up and I picked up Jason and I take him home I kiss his head and I run
"Good girl "Middle said I growl
"Don't treat me like a dog I am playing my cards safe my family finds out about this and I'm dead "I said and I see my whole closet in the room I was in and well my whole room but my bed the sheets yeah .
"Leave me alone "I said and they all walked out I sit on the floor my mind scarred .
The next week
They have been giving me food but I'm not eating it the same thing with water . I was in a swear shirt and really short shorts .
"Melisa you need to eat "Davis said I found out his name same with buddies he walks in and I stay put I'm not moving .
"Melisa "Gavin said
"We know its not heaven hear but you have to eat "Davis said and my belly growls loud but I ignore it .
"Fine its hear if you want it "Davis said and they walked out I got up and went into the bathroom and I look like shit I take a shower and I grab my bra and panties and get into them then I grab a pair of Jason's boxers and I put them on and I grab Snakes sweat shirt I smell it and it smells like home I dig my face into the sweatshirt and I start crying I haven't in years .
"Melisa ?"Davis asked I stop and I put on the hood and keep my face hidden away from them
"Melisa ?"Gavin asked walking in
"Are you ok ?"Davis asked
"I'm fine "I said my voice sounding raspy from not eating or drinking
"Can you please eat we have soup and water ?"Davis asked
"Fine set it on the bed and leave "I said and I feel the bed dip and someone makes my chin go up my cheeks may be red but not my eyes
"What ?"Davis asked
"Nothing "I said and I grab the tray of food and I eat I hand it back to him and I sit the way I was before
"Get ready "Gavin said and they both walk out I get up grab a sports bra take of my sweatshirt and see my scar that went from the right side of my belly to the left . I put my sweatshirt back on and I grab sport shorts and I grab jeans and put them over I brush my hair then I walk down .
"Come "Davis said and we walked to a cliff I take of my sweatshirt and my pants to revival sport clothes .
"Perfect "Xavier said and grabbed a rope I knew how this works they place it some wear and dangle you off the cliff .
The tied the rope tightly around my waist just above my last scar from my father and they dangle me over .
I start to fall and I scream as I feel rocks digging into my back and the boys start laughing . I fall even more and I scream really loud and I am falling fast then someone pulls on the rope and it digs in bad I scream at the pain and I grab rocks I try and climb up but they losses the rope and I start falling and I scream
"BRING HER UP!"Davis said and I was being pulled back up blood poring out of my body I get onto the cliff stable part and I grab my stomach .
"Shit it wasn't spouses to dig in that much "Davis said I feel tears fall and I am in a ball clutching the wound it start to heal in the back I get the rope off and I start feeling very dizzy and my eye lids get heavy
"No Melisa stay with me what's your favorite food "Davis said
"Food ?"I asked
"We need to keep you awake "Davis said
"Its my Shepard's pie "I said and I feel more pain
"That sounds good mine is chocolate cake "Davis said
"That's not food "I state and my eyes get heavy
"Call Navy and yes it is "Davis said
"I'm sleepy "I said and hr places my head in his lap
"I know but don't sleep "Davis said
"Why not "I asked
"Please don't "Davis said
"Why not Snake ?"I asks and my mind goes black and I pass out .
When she wakes up
I was woken with a scream at the top of someone's lugs I look around and see a lady and I'm in a infirmary
"Hi I'm Navy you must be Melisa "she said
"Hi"I mumble
"Your wound is healing nicely "she said and I look down to see it covered in bandages it still hurts so I know its not gone .
"Look I'm sorry Davis kidnapped you "Navy said
"Don't "I said and I got up and I see my sweatshirt I run over to it and I grab it and dig my face into it and smell Snake
"You ok ?"Navy asked
"I wanna go home "I said tears starting to spill out my eyes
"I wish I could "Navy said and I look up she had a piece of pasta in her hair
"Your a mom "I said and she looks at me
"How did you know ?"She asked
"You have pasta in your hair "I said
"Oh "she said and got it out
"Don't worry I won't tell "I said
"Thanks "Navy said
"No problem "I said and I hug my sweatshirt
"Do you have a phone ?"I asked
"Yes "Navy said
"May I please "I asked
"Yes hurry "Navy said and I dial Snakes number
"Melisa ?"Snake asked
"Yes and I have to talk fast I'm ok don't look for me if you do it could get bad and I really really miss you guys "I said
"We know sis "all 10 of them yelled even Jason
"I miss you guys so much "I said my voice breaking
"We know "Jason said
"When I get out the first place I'm going is home "I said
"Wait sis who has you its not mom and dad is it ?"Snake asked
"Its not mom and dad just so you know but who it is I can't say I love all of you bye "I said and I hang up tears fall down I hand her phone back to her and I lean against a wall and I cry into Snakes sweatshirt and I slide down the wall
"Honey ?"Navy asked
"Yes "I said
"What's wrong ?"Navy asked
"I called my 10 brothers and I miss them so much "I said and I cry more she places a hand on my back and my silent tears turn into sops
"I know it will be ok "Navy said and pulled me into a hug
"I want to see them I have never been away from them for this long "I said tears going down my face still
"I know sweetie how about this the next time I come I bring my daughter Jacquie "she said
"I would love to meet her how old is she ?"I asked and my crying stopped I bring my head up and look at her
"She is 5 "Navy said
"I would love to meet her "I said with a smile
"I know and when I tell her about you she will want to meet you as we'll "Navy said
"You should get back to Jackie "I said
"I will and everyone calls her Jackie try and think of something special "Navy said
"Will do bye Navy "I said in better mood then I have been in since I got hear I get off the floor and I walk to my room and I sit on the bed and I look at Snakes sweatshirt covered in tears
"Melisa ?"Davis asked I lay down and hug Snakes sweatshirt close go me and I close my eyes trying fake sleep .
The door opens slowly and he walks in
"Oh sorry "Davis said and walked over and placed his hand on my cheek and pushed away hair that fell over my face and he kissed my cheek and then walked out the door closes and I hear footsteps walking away . I for real fall asleep after that.
When I wake up I'm awoke by a little girl jumping up and down
"Hi!"she said
"Hi what's your name ?"I asked
"I'm Jacquie "She said
"Hi I'm Melisa "I said
"I know mommy told me about you "Jac said
"How about I call you Jac "I asked
"Yay "she said and I get up get in the shower and get into the outfit I was I'm when dick bag kidnapped me .
"Let's go down "I said and open my door and we walk down she lifts her hands up I pick her up and place her on my right hip the wound was gone .
"Your pretty "Jac
"Not more pretty then you "I said and I set her on the counter and I start making pancakes
"That's my favorite "She squealed
" well you can have some "I said and in walks her mom with the boys Jac screams and jumps in me I pick her up and I keep cooking I place the last one on a plate and I start making her plate and she giggles as I use one hand for everything
"Your really cute with her "Navy said
"Thanks "I said
"Can you watch her for me I have to do some things and I don't have her father at the moment "Navy asked
"Of course "I said and I set her in a chair and give her the plate then I get mine and sit down next to her .
After we eat I place them in the sink and I take her outback and we play tag ,chase me and tickle and we sit and watch the leaves blow in the wind and then we go inside and see the boys looking at us well mainly me Jac jumps and I pick her up
"Hello Jackie Melisa "Davis said
"Davis "I said
"Hi Uncle Davis "Jac said quietly
"What's wrong ?"Davis asked
"Davy doesn't have a girlfriend "Jac pouts
"Baby girl we have been over this I don't have one because I haven't found the right girl "Davis said and Jac pouts
"Wanna watch a movie ?"I asked
"Pls "She said and we walked into the living room and I set her down on the floor and we walked over to the stand and found Tangled so I put it on and we watched it in the first five minutes Jac falls asleep on my lap and I leave her I place my head in my hand and I start to fall asleep
"How did you do it she never sleeps ?"Davis asked
"I played with her and then I put on a movie she can watch and she layed her head in my lap and fell asleep "I explain .
"You seem good with children "Gavin said
"I am I used go babysit when my parents were gone "I said and tried to not clench my jaw at the mention of my parents .
"Okay well thanks "Davis said
"Yep"I said and I carefully fixed our position to wear she is still on me but on my stomach and I have my arm around her and I cuddle her and I fall asleep .
When I wake up people are whispering and taking pics I open my eyes and see Jac is still asleep I take her off and slowly move .
"You got her to sleep "Navy said walking in
"Yeah "I said
"Go make the call quick "She whispers and slips me her phone I take it and I go to my room and call them
"Hey "Snake said
"Hey I have to make this quicker than the last time but I want you to know I love all 10 of you big ugs and I will try to see you soon "I said
"We are going on tour again people noticed we are without our tomboy "Devil yelled
"Not fault "I whisper when I hear footsteps walk over to my door I hide the phone as someone walks in and it Davis I hang up quickly
"Hey "he said and I slip the phone in my sleeve
"Hi"I said and I walk past him using my hand to keep it from falling and he grabs my wrist
"Thanks for the help with Jackie "Davis said
"Yep "I said and I got my wrist free and I go back down and I spot Navy and I slip her phone back to her
"Almost caught "She asked
"Yeah "I said
"Well your sneaky so I know you won't he will both of us "Navy said
"I figured "I said
"No der "Navy said
"Anyway thanks for letting me watch her it was fun "I said
"Your we'll come thanks for watching her "Navy said
"It was nothing I watched my younger sibling until my parents killed them "I whisper
"You poor baby "Navy said
"I was only 12 "i said
"Why would they do that "Navy asked
"Same reason they would cut their own child's stomach from right to left "I whisper
"Oh my "She said
"It healed and I was fine "I said
"Wear are they now ?"Navy asked
"They are alive but I have no clue wear and I don't want to know "I said
"I feel bad for you the phone is buzzing "Navy said and it was Snakes number I take the phone and awsner
"Why did you hang up ?"Snake asked
"If I get caught with a phone I'm dead "I said
"Ok call me when you can "Snake said and hung up I slip her phone back to her .
"I have to go "Navy said I hug her and she gets Jac and takes her home .

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