The Final Epilogue!

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This is it! The very last part to Adopted Daughter! I can't believe it! Enjoy!


Cat's POV

Haven't done this since chapter one.

I'm now twenty-two. I grew up in an odd family. I know that my dad was in a band. I've seen old videos and performances. Dad has written and sung many songs for me. I have two obnoxious brothers and two annoying sisters, but I love them all. Today is the biggest day of my life. Today I'm getting married. Rory and I have been together for almost five years. He's a wonderful guy. Right now I'm staring at myself in the mirror. I'm definitely not skinny, but Rory says he loves me for who I am. Which as he put it includes my big sassy ass. Dad walks in and smiles at me.

"Hi daddy."

"Hi kitten. You look beautiful."

"Thank you." He looks close to tears. He wraps me in a hug.

"I can't believe my little girl is all grown up." He pulls away and I notice a stray tear on his cheek.

"Don't cry daddy, it's not punk rock." I smile and wipe his cheek.

"I've raised such a kick ass little girl." he says with a smile.

"Yes you have." I tell him. I sit down and start tying my converse.

"You're wearing converse with your wedding dress?"

"I can do what I want. I'm punk rock." I tell him with a smirk.

"You'll never be as punk rock as I am."

"You're right no one can ever be as punk rock as you." I stand and kiss his cheek. We stand and face the mirror. We look absolutely nothing alike and I don't look like mom either. Dad has dark hair and green eyes, as does mom, while I have blonde hair(with hot pink tips) and blue eyes. His skin is pale while mine is quite dark, since I spend most of my time outdoors. I know that I'm adopted. I have known since I was five. But to me they are my parents and I am their daughter. They love me and I love them. Mom sticks her head in the door.

"It's time you two."

*the reception*

Rory and are dancing. We learned ballroom dancing specifically for our wedding.

"I love you Cat."

"I love you too Rory" The song comes to an end and I walk up and grab the mic.

"Hi, I'm Cat, the bride. You probably guessed that because of the dress." I giggle and the crowd laughs. "Anyway as most of you probably know my dad was in a band years ago."

"Hey don't go making me sound old." Dad cuts me.

"Shut up old man. Back to my point, so I inherited my dad's love of singing and music. My brother Cody, who couldn't make it tonight, mocked me relentlessly for my love of singing, but never the less here I am getting ready to sing. Tonight I'm singing If I Could Fly by One Direction and please don't ask where I got the idea to sing this song, because I honestly don't know." I sing and everyone cheers and then Rory comes up and grabs the mic.

"That was beautiful Cat. Just like you." I blush. "Now I don't come from a very musical family, but I do like to sing so I'm going to sing to Cat. I'm going to sing Nothing At All by Minor Soul." And it's while he's singing I can see how much he really, truly loves me. I look around at my family and friends, at the love of my life and realize that I have a really wonderful life. I couldn't ask for anything else. After Rory sings we all sit down for the speeches. Then when the speeches are done dad stands up and grabs a glass of champagne.

"I know I've already made my speech, but now I'm going to make a toast. To friends, family, music and love. Okay that didn't sound that awful in my head, but to Cat and Rory." Everyone raises their glasses. This is the greatest moment of my life. Everyone is happy and laughing and nothing could spoil my day. I love my family. Sure we've had some arguments, but that's what families do.

Spencer's POV+I am most definitely attached. Are You?+

I watch her dance and sing and laugh. She really has become a beautiful young lady. I sigh. Michael rubs my arm.

"What's wrong Spence?" He asks.

"I just can't believe this actually happened."

"I know. She grew up much to fast."

"It feels like only yesterday she was asking you to read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to her."

"Time went by so fast."


"My kitten is all grown up. It's hard to grasp. You know? Reality hasn't really set in yet." Michael sighs.

"We both knew this was coming. The minute I met Rory I knew. And at least she's happy."

"That's all that really matters." I lean my head on his shoulder and he rests his head on mine. He holds my hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb. We watch Cat talk with everyone and laugh and smile.

"You know I love you, right?" Michael asks.

"You tell me every day."

"And every day it's still true."

"I love you too." I whisper and kiss his cheek.

Luke's POV

I watch her and Rory. She looks happy. Cat walks up to Libby and I smiling.

"Hi guys. Thanks so much for coming."

"Anything for you Cat." I give her a hug.

"Congratulations Kit-Cat."

"Thanks Libby." She and Libby start talking. Cat and I have never been very close. From the time she was four she's been wary of me. She's never really trusted me and I understand why. It's been eighteen years since she's trusted me and there are days that I regret putting Libby first, but most of the time I except that Cat isn't my daughter and never will be. And I've learned that there are somethings that once broken can never be repaired and we must except that.

The End!


That's it! It's all over! Now what will I write? I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. I want to thank everyone who's stuck with me through the end of the book. I love you guys a lot. Please comment and vote and stay awesome! Thanks!


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