Going Under

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Going Under

Request for united we stand, divided we fall

A/N: Co-written by The Silver Iris.

There wasn't an intended timeline but the above co-author included the stuff about the AI, so I left it there.

"So,it starts off with the reader and Steve in a mission and reader gets injected with a poison that puts her in a coma and makes her go a little crazy and delirious."

You jolted awake, looking around frantically. None of your surroundings were familiar, so through your blurred vision, you looked for key objects, resulting in a hospital gown, life support IVs, a heart monitor, and rushing nurses. You felt like a doll, being crowded by so many people as they poked and prodded at you, shining lights in your face, asking you questions, checking stats.
Once the commotion had died down, you finally asked your burning question.
"What's going on?" Your voice was raspy from lack of use. A nurse smiled softly upon seeing that you were conscious.
"I apologize for being in your face so much," she said. "It's just... you've been in a comafor seven months."

Your eyes widened. "What?!"
"I know; it's hard to believe. You were on a mission and you got attacked. You were injected with some kind of toxin that put you in a coma. Captain Rogers transported you here, to SHIELD's infirmary."

You took a second to absorb it all. That couldn't be right. You were only out for a second... right?
Once you had been fully checked out, you were allowed to have visitors. Of course, you could only expect Steve Rogers, your boyfriend of over a year, to visit you first.
He didn't.
Instead, it was Tony Stark and Pepper Potts who came to see you. They had bought you ten different bouquets of flowers and spent their time catching you up on all that had happened.
"I created an artificial intelligence," Tony listed.
"The artificial intelligence was too intelligent and tried to take over the world, resulting in the Avengers gaining three new recruits; two Sokovian mutants and the Falcon," Pepper continued.
Clint and Natasha were next. Feeling like a broken record, you expected every next person to be Steve, but it ended up being someone else. Up until the last visitor, you never gave up hope. But when the day was over, and the love of your life still hadn't arrived, you knew something was wrong.
The first thing you did when you got out of the hospital was go to your and Steve's shared apartment. When you first arrived, you could see the lights on through the window. You could hear Steve's loving voice from the outside, and it melted your heart. You were glad to know that nothing bad had happened to him. However, the moment you heard the sound of another feminine voice giggling at something he said, all of your hope disappeared. You calmly knocked on the door, awaiting an answer.
The door was opened by a young woman, a wide smile on her face.
"Hello," she greeted. "Who are you?"
"I should ask you the same thing," you mumbled. You had the smallest sliver of hope, buried under all of your jealousy and suspicion. Maybe it wasn't what it looked like.
Then Steve came through the hall and approached the open door. He froze when he saw you, a shocked expression on his face.
"Y/N?" he greeted in surprise.
"Oh, this is your ex, (y/n)?" the other woman asked, looking at Steve.

You gasped and a tear fell from your eye. "Ex?" you repeated. "I'm in a coma for seven months and wake up to find that the man I love is cheating on me and calling me his ex?" You could feel the water works now, fighting it off as best you could.
"No, I'm not cheating on you," he said calmly, approaching the woman to wrap his arm around her back. You shuddered, thinking about all of the times he did that to you. He gave a slight smile to her, and she smiled back. "I've found my true love."

You felt like your heart had been ripped from your chest.

"Please (Y/N), understand. She's the one. Don't I deserve to be happy?" the blond asked calmly.

That was it.
You ran away, barely able to see. So you weren't the one? You had never made him happy? Why did he pretend then, moving in with you, treating you like a princess? He had just been looking for a placeholder until somebody that he really loved came along.

You jolted awake with a gasp on your lips. This time, you knew exactly where you were.

"Oh! She's awake!" a voice called. You turned your head groggily, coming to face a widely smiling nurse. She called the doctor over and they checked your vitals, making sure you were alright.

"You gave us quite a scare," the nurse commented. "You were in a coma for seven months! That mission you went on with Captain Rogers must have been intense."

You cringed at the mention of your true love's name. You sighed internally. True love. He had been yours, but you hadn't been his...

You looked around, noting that all of the flowers Tony and Pepper had brought you were gone. And the nurse was talking to you like you'd just woken for the first time...

"Is this the first time I've been awake?" you asked, your voice scratchy. You certainly didn't feel like you'd been out of this bed.

"Yes," the nurse replied with a nod. "There were some eye flutters and hand twitches, but this is the first big response we've gotten since you were brought in."

If this was the first time you were waking up...

"Is she really awake?" a familiar voice called from the door. Your heart rate increased and your blood ran cold as you lifted your gaze. You found a very familiar blond standing there, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. A tear slid down your cheek as the nurse waved him in.

"We'll give you two some privacy," the nurse stated, leaving the room.

"Hey," Steve smiled, sitting at the edge of your bed. You scooted away from him.

He frowned. "What's wrong?"

You chewed your lower lip, watching as he set the bouquet on your bedside table.

A gentle hand cupped your cheek, turning your head to face him. "What is it?" he asked softly, seeming genuinely concerned.

"Who is she?" you asked, unable to tell if your images of him living with another woman were real or imaginary.

"Who is who?" he replied, tilting his head in confusion.

"The woman you left me for," you explained softly, your heart breaking as the words left your lips.

"The woman I what? Who in the world told you I left you?"

You looked him over, taking in the frown on his lips and the crease in his brow. He didn't smell like anyone's perfume, and glancing at his neck, you saw his half of the matching dog tags you'd had engraved as an anniversary gift.

"You mean... we're still together?" you asked brokenly. He leaned over and wrapped you in a hug.

"Honey, of course we're still together. What, did you think I'd find someone new after you fell into a coma? I would never do that to you. I love you, (y/n). Forever and always."

You allowed a small smile to grace your lips as you weakly returned the hug. "The coma... it made me think things. It was like a dream. I thought that I woke up, and everyone visited me but you, so I went to see you, and you were living with someone else, and you told me that she was 'the one,' and that I needed to let you be happy."

He saw the tears in your eyes and his heart broke. "It was all a dream, I promise. I love you and only you. I would never leave you, especially while you were in a coma. I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

You nodded, fully believing him. You scooted over to give him room, and he took the hint, climbing gently onto the bed beside you. He lied down and slid an arm under your head as a pillow, smiling when you snuggled into his chest. He kissed your head and held you close, offering you food and water, making sure you were taken care of. You weren't tired, since you'd spent seven months unconscious, but you were more than content to simply lie in his arms.

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