Chapter 4~ The new Jake

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Heyy! Like my new cover? It was done by BeOriginalAlways! Thanks chica:) So..I dedicated this chapter to ma awesome fren who made the cover:D okie back to the story..

" OMG did you see jake..?"

" Whoa..he actually looks hot!"

There were mutters errupting throughout the hall as Jake and I strode through the hall, arm in arm. I beamed proudly at my new "creation". This morning, Jake had apeared in my driveway in a Ferrari..offering me a ride "in thanks of my awesome makeover".

"Niice, you actually look like you belong in your that car of yours, hot and you know it." I winked. We had spent about two hours yesterday, just to sort through the mountain of clothes that we had purchased! Then, I taught Jake the art of hair products and the rules of acting like a popular guy. It was EXHAUSTING! But, I think he understood it. Kinda.

The Alpha of the popular clique, Avery, had swished past us and said, "Hey Jake, nice look. Anyways, you wanna join us for lunch? we"ll be at the usual table. See ya." She just barely cast a sidelong glance at me, and I rolled my eyes. 'Bet she's just jelous of my looks' I smirked.

By lunch time, it was official. We were the talk of the day: The hot new the makeover'ed gay." Since I had the period before lunch with Jake, we made it a point to rush to the Popular table before it was filled up. Table eighteen. In about ten minutes, the table was lined with the usual. The jocks and the popular girls. The girls were flirting shamelessly at Jake while the jocks were casting lusting glances at me. Argh..shallow jerks.. I immediately thought of Jake, and inevitably smiled. Pushing him out of my mind, I just relaxed and went back to my old self. I laughed my head off at the hilarious jokes and gossips.

By the end of lunch period, it was official. Jake and I were with the IN crowd. And hell, it felt good to finally be back.. where I belonged. At the top.

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