The weird pink cat?or the weird pink weirdo??

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"Why I'm Cheshire Cat my sweet"!
He hopped up and seemed to balance him self on his tail while crossing his hind legs and stuffing his paws between them.
"Cheshire cat"? I asked. His smile seemed to dim. "Do I know you"? He asked in awe.
I nodded my head with a no. "I'm quiet sure that we've never met before my good sir"
His eyes traveled down my body as he had bitten his bottom lip.
He was a vast cat that seemed to be uncomfortable in any given position that he was in.
His eyes were as blue as the water on a crystal clear lake. His fur was a beautiful pink and sapphire with ragged tiger stripes across him.
He jumped down from his odd position and curled him self around my leg.
"What a beautiful fair maiden, are you sure we haven't met before? You seem oddly familiar......"
He trailed off from his sentence as a oddly attired man walked towards us.
"WHy HeLLo My SWEet (Y/n)!!!!!! I've been waiting for your arrival"!!!
He approached me as if we were long past campaigns. "Oh my lucky stars! You look just like your mother"! He exclaimed.
"Who might her mother be"? Asked Cheshire. He gasped and upholder the face of true terror. "The queen of hearts!!?!?" He had risen from my legs and stood on his hind legs and had a low glowing dim come from his body. He slowly rose from the ground into a man one and a half feet taller than (y/n). "Why this young adorable madien looks nothing like the wretched queen of hearts"! He screeched.
"Hatter how dare you say such a thing"!! I stared in awe as the newly transformed man/cat stood in front of me.
"Now look what you've done you idiotic cat! You've scared the one and only (y/n) Liddell!! Alice surely won't be pleased with what you've done.Especially to her daughter"!
Cheshire turned and gazed at me with utter shock but quickly recovered.
"Let's take her to her mother immediately" hatter said.
Cheshire looked down with disappointment. "Yes master". He transformed back to his cat form and tailed the man. I slowly followed them.
"Hurry (y/n). Alice wants to see you"! Hatter hollered. And with that we were off. I had no idea that I was going to die..........neither had they. No one expected it but fate is cruel like that. Oh well.......

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