One. Annoying Beginings.

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It was early October. The leaves had just began to change color and fall to the ground. And curious enough, it had been raining all week. It usually didn't rain this much until the winter. Los Angeles doesn't get a lot of rain anyway. Maybe Mother Nature wanted to cleanse L.A.'s dirty streets. Maybe.

"Will, why do you think it's raining so much?" I turned to face my, rather young, uncle. He was concentrated on his computer screen, his glasses had fallen to the end of his nose. His face was all crinckled up and his eyebrows were close to touching. Will had a way of tricking you into thinking he was older than he actually was. Though he didn't have one gray hair on his head, his maturity was not of a twenty five-year-old when he was serious about something. That always helped when I need a hand or some advice.

He didn't respond to my question, too focused on whatever was on his laptop. I went over and flicked the tip of his ear. Lucky for him, my nails were short and didn't stratch him.

"Ow! What the hell, Jay?" He shot his hand up to his ear and cradled it with the palm of his hand. What a baby.

"You were ignoring me. You were focussing too hard anyway, it'll put winkles on your pretty, young face." I mocked him, sticking out a tongue when he rolled his almond colored eyes.

"I was reading this important email from a major record label in London. It's called Syco and they are interested in giving you a job." He emphasized on 'job'. I felt myself take a step closer and bend down to peer at the small screen.

"What is this 'job', exactly?" I was curious on why a 'major record label', as Will had put it, wanted to do business with an unknown indie artist like me. I had been working furiously on my music career for the past two years and when I finally take a short break from working, BAM, suddenly people want me.

"It is a year-long tour around the world with a pretty famous pop music group. Guaranteed publicity, a gernerous pay, and you may even make a few friends." He smirked at me, his glasses now pushed up to the ridge of his nose.

"Why do you look so pleased with yourself?" I questioned him, rather annoyed.

"Because of the look on your face. You look happy, but disgusted at the same time." His smirk did not phase as he crossed his arms and waited for my response. Oh, how I found that face of his annoying. I wanted to slap him, but I reminded myself that you can't just go slapping your best friend/uncle/manager willy-nilly.

"I'm just hoping that the band I'm going on tour with isn't who I think it is." Their music was already finding ways into my brain. I tried to block it out, but they were too powerful and seeped into my thoughts, infecting them with catchy pop tunes.

"So you accept their offer?" He raised his thick, angular eyebrows at me. The smirk was gone now, thank goodness.

"Of course I accept! You obviously think that I'm stupid, don't you? But let's not stray from the topic that I want to discuss. Who am I going to be touring with?" I now crossed my arms, anxious about my fate. I really hoped it wasn't O-

"One Direction." The two words left his lips and shattered my excitement. A giant groan was dragged out of my throat and it sank in the open silence.

"Why are they so interested in me?" I paced back and forth in the room, trying to shake the annoyance out of my system. One Direction had good music, I'll admit to that much, but the actual people in the band... ugh. They were oh, so annoying.

'One Direction band member is dating What's-her-face now.'

'Oh, no! One Direction band member gets hurt!'

'One Direction this!'

'One direction that!'

They made it so hard to not punch the radio out when ever one of their songs played.

"They are trying to promote unknown artists. This was the band's idea, by the way, it wasn't their management's idea." He turned back to his laptop and started typing furiously on the keyboard. He was probably sending an acceptance email to 'Syco'.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" I forced out, trying to sound casual. But stress and annoyance kind of ruined my chance to play it cool. Why were these boys getting to me like this? I'm getting paid to do something, I should like it. Not everything went like that, though.

"Chinese." He stated, still typing away at his keyboard.

I quickly called up the local Chinese take-out resturant and ordered our usual; chow mein, brown rice, walnut shrimp, spicy beef, and orange chicken.

After hanging up on the woman that kept babbling to me over the phone, I sat down on the couch in our small living room. Flipping through the channels, I came across The Walking Dead. I instantly sat up and turned up the volume. The Walking Dead was my favorite television show. Imagine combining the perfect amount of drama and action. Then add zombies. That, my friend, would be the perfect description of The Walking Dead.

They were playing a rerun of the episode where Merle dies. At the end, I found myself crying and clutching onto my POP! Television action figure of Daryl Dixon, my favorite character. I couldn't handle it. Daryl was so emotional when he saw his brother as a zombie. Suddenly, I felt the urge to kick The Governor in his raisins, if you catch my drift.

When the food finally arrived, I practically died. It smelled so good! I ran to the kitchen with the bags of food and started eating. While Will only had about two servings, I had about four. He joked around with me and called me the 'Bottomless Pit' and ran away fake screaming. I didn't really care, though. I had food in my belly and that made me happy.

I bid Will a goodnight and headed to my room. Sleep was precious to me. If you took away my sleep, you are probably, most likely going to die in the next three days.

As I fell unconscious in my dark bedroom, I wondered to myself.

Am I really going to do this?  

Hell yah, I am!


Author's note:

First chapter up! Might make it longer. later.

But I'm preeetty proud of this. I like it and I hope you do to. :)

I love your face.

-Savannah R

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