m e e t t h e a u t h o r

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hi everyone! i'm so excited to be finally writing this story. i've read a lot of stories that involve people "meeting" online, and making a story like this has been on my mind for a while now.

so if you wanted to know my name is ashlee. i'm in middle school, and i plan to pursue being an author in the years ahead. i rarely get the time to show my feelings and i feel like wattpad is the only place where i really get to express who i really am.

so a few weeks ago i found out that i'm depressed. i mean, the side effects match everything. through out all this, i've found out that wattpad lets people express who they are even behind a screen. they can express their feelings through a book, in their own words. it just amazes me as to how wattpad can do that for millions of writers just starting out like me, or just doing this for fun as a hobby.

enough about me already! i really hope you enjoy this book. i'm gonna give it my all. i've wrote so many books in the past that were never completed, or i just got tired writing them. i know this isn't really an excuse, but school has been stressing me out. we've had so much to do this school year, but since summer is coming up i'll be able to update a lot. but for now, there's gonna be really slow updates because of school.

xox, ashlee 💕
257 words

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