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aye i see hailey promoting justin 😏

zara's pov

@fashionablylatezara: where are you?

@justinbieber: *where are ü now that i need you?

@fashionablylatezara: i was being serious 🙄 i miss you

@justinbieber: you missed me? pssh 😂

@fashionablylatezara: i wanna see you again.

@justinbieber: tbh i feel the same way. i miss your adorable face.

wait what? i'm so excited that i'm blushing right now! i can't believe what's happening.

@fashionablylatezara: so why weren't u at the met gala? you can walk the street in a suit, but you can't go to the met gala? you confuse me 😂

@justinbieber: a: i was in new york because i had two shows to go to. b: i dressed up so good last year that i didn't have to go this year

@fashionablylatezara: cocky aren't we?

@justinbieber: i love your attitude. i love that we've become friends. it's more than just a fan/pop star relationship you know?

if only he knew i loved him more than just a friend. i always have.

~ a u t h o r ' s  n o t e ~

so how was that? i tried to incorporate new stuff we haven't talked about. how'd you like the new chapter?

ashlee 💕
201 words

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