Such a Surprise?!

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Chapter 6

Lulus POV

"Lulu-sama.. you need to wake up and start making breakfast" said as he tries to wake me up.

I groaned in responds and pushed him lightly.

"Inuya.. stop it's still 6 in the morning..."

"No Lulu-sama. It's 9 not 6.." He corrected me.

I looked at my clock again and he was right. It already 9:18 am to be precise. I immediately woke up and started preparing breakfast. I wasn't able to sleep well last night because I was with the Okumura twins. Twins meaning Rin and Yukio. Yukio invited me to a hangout with him and Rin.

At first I didn't really agreed because I was busy at my room that time, fixing some stuff. But Rin was the one who actually knocked the door until it broke. Cuz he was freaking out and keeps knocking on the door hard for some reason.

So yeah, I only agreed when they agreed to fix my door. Which is still not fixed yet.

I looked at the broken door, just hanging on the side. I can tell the door is secretly shouting " I'm almost falling and do buy me new screws you bastards"

I yawned and looked at the pan which has eggs on it. The dormitory has its canteen but I do prefer cooking me own. I just go there if I'm too lazy to cook.

"Lulu-sama, What about the door?" Inuya asked as he landed on my head, wagging its soft tail on my cheek.

"They'll fix it later. Don't worry" I answered him and he just nodded as a respond.

"You know.. I can tell the blue haired one likes you" Inuya suddenly spatted out and I almost drop my pan.

I freaked out alittle and accidentally put more oil on the pan, which turns the fire more of a blaze and it grows into a bigger one. It surprised me so I fell on my back and Inuya just floats back.

I can hear someone was shock and it was Yukio. He went in my room to the kitchen and died the fire. The fire burnt half of the kitchen, mainly where the stove was. I sighed in relief then looked at Yukio who was eye widen of what happened.

"Hey what happened there Lulu? You almost got yourself on fire!" Yukio said as he lend me out a hand.

I took his hand and got up, responding to him "Yeah... I kinda freaked out so that happened"

I looked at Inuya, who was currently hiding behind the refrigerator. I mouthed him a "You better stop telling stupid information Inuya" and all he gave me was a slow nod.

"Oh by the way, about the door. And also the kitchen I guess Rin will be here in a moment while I start fixing things" he ended with a nod.

"Oh okay okay thats a relief... And yeah sure I have tools here so---" I stated.

We were about to get started when Rin suddenly ran inside. Meaning like he ran wildly. Chasing a black cat.

"Hey you monkey cat!! GIVE IT BACK!!" Rin Shouted still Chasing the cat.

The black cat was chuckling while I noticed he has something on his mouth. Their dorm room keys of Yukio and Rin.

The Cat jumped jumped out of the window. Rin was about to jump when Yukio pulled him by his tail to stop him.

"HEY?! Wait?! Yukio let go---"

"Why are you even chasing the cat?" Yukio asked while pulling his demon tail, getting him off the window.

"Dude! That cat got our dorm keys!!!"

"Wait what--- how?" Yukio asked while fixing his black-framed glasses.

"Well..." Rin starts a long explanation.

He was in the canteen, at the kitchen, helping the fellow demon who's been cooking our meals everyday. He said he removed the keys from his pocket for some reason then forgots to put it back and starts cooking. When he was done. He saw a black cat who was fidgeting the keys then stole them. You can guess what happened next.

It was clumsy of him to be honest but... knowing him for months now he really the clumsy fellow. Very.

"Big Brother... I understand if it's just your psp or something not valuable thats been stolen but... those are keys!! Our room keys to be exact!! You know it's very valuable and it'll take weeks to make another copy for them!" Yukio complained

But Rin barked back saying the PsP is also a valuable item but Yukio doesn't see it as it is to Rin. Well these two can be opposites but same in a sense. They're twins after all.

After a long collaboration of the twins, while fixing the kitchen and door. They've come into a conclusion...

"Please let us stay here for awhile Lulu-san" Yukio begged and bowed alittle.

A sweat dropped from my cheeks and looked at Yukio the Rin, who was doing the same thing.

"I promise to behave while staying" Rin said.

"I doubt that..." I thought.

I heard small snickering behind me and it was Inuya, who was in a drawer, and I just let out a sigh.

"Fine... I don't mind." I replied to them and the both nodded.

"Thank you so much Lulu-san. We'll repay you later on" Yukio said, starting to get formal.

"No No! No problem. You guys did help me spot ever since so I also thank you both of you" I replied with a pleasant smile.

Both cheeks start to have a tint of pink in them.

"T-Thank you Lulu!" Rin said with a cute grin.

"Now.... lets start with the door, Lulu-San, where's your tool box again? " Yukio asked and I nodded quickly.

"Oh Uhmm.. its here" I replied as I get the tool box.

Yukio nodded as I handle the tool box to him and went to the door. Rin followed him. I looked at the two as I lean on the side.

"Hmmm... I'm starting to get curious about these two... about why Father wants me to meet them and all.." I thought to myself as I let out a sighed.



For this, I'll continue making the book even in a slow process qwq)) I'm so sorrrryyyy >< and another reason for slow publish is because i was busy reading "Sword Art Online" which is probably the 3rd season! So yah hahaha. I'm also a SAO trash ouo)b




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