Lasercorns Private Livestream

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Mari's POV

Tonight I have to edit. UGHHHH! on the bright side at least it's with Sohinki. Lasercorn just left the office so we're the only ones here. I stood up and say on Matts lap and kissed him. He kissed back and pulled away. "We should get started on the editing." He said and I agreed.

*in sponge bob announcer voice*  later

It was now time to edit GTS. Cool the last vid then we get to leave and go home.

Lasercorns pov
Yes!! Finally!!!!!! GTS editing time!! "Show time!" I sang to myself.

Matt's pov

Oh this may or may not end well...

Mari's pov

We got about 5 minutes into editing GTS when Matt said something pretty damn dumb. He said my name. MY NAME! Why would he do that now all the Marhinki shippers with go f*cking crazy! Well I guess it won't be too bad since the shippers ship ship ship no matter what. I look over to Matt and he has a worrying bout face on. I tilted my head gave him puppy eyes and just burst into laughter. "You are *giggles* a complete..." I couldn't even finish my sentence. "Dumbass?" He finished for me. "Yep *giggles* that's the one!" I yelled. I can't even imagine what he's thinking right now.

Matt's pov

What? I'm speechless I'm even thoughtless right now.

Lasercorns pov


Boo!! that was kinda a waste of all that work on the computer.

Wait. He hasn't shown the second part yet. Just wait.

Mari's pov

Well let's just continue editing since that passed. Wait. Matt? Why would he... say that... Do you think he meant what he said. I play it back again.

"Clearly I just wanna be with Mari!"

Matt said to the viewers and the people playing with him.

I turned to him...

Lasercorn's pov 

He said it! She saw it! She turned. OMG wtf is about to happen? "Did you..?" she trails while just pointing at him. He nods and grins slightly. What! No no no no no no no no no no! Come on Mari flip out! I haven't gotten one good reaction to anything all night. Except for maybe the part she laughed herself out of the chair, then Matt started laughing and she pulled him down with her. The ended (for me anyway) when they starting making out! BLEH! It was gross.

Anyway, I decided to call them I didn't care!

Mari's pov

So he did. 

He said it.

He meant it.

And I felt the same.

"Matt I lo..." I started to say 'I love you' but i got interrupted by a call from... Lasercorn?

Matt's pov

"Matt I lo..." Mari started to say but her phone started ringing. I wonder what she was about to say. Huh. "Who is it?" I asked while tilting my head over to try and see. 

"Lasercorn." She replied. I slid the screen and pressed the speaker button for her. 

"David! what do you want!" Mari yelled at him. She seemed a little pissed. I rubbed her arm to try and calm her down but Lasercorn responded before I got to tell Mari to chill.

"I want something..." he trailed. Oh no. "What?" I reply worryingly. "A reaction..." we got confused, "Mari! You only laughed at him when he said your name and just blushed and spacey when he said that 'he only wanted to be with you'! I need to to get pissed or so..." We realized half way through, how did he know! "DAVID!!! Why do you know this where are you!" We yelled into the phone. "home, here I'll facetime you!" He hung up and factimed almost instantly after. "See!" "Then why do you know what happened and how she reacted to me being a dumb ass!" 

"Well..." He started when Courtney walks in and asks, "David, who are you talking to it's like 2 am. Come to bed!" Mari, David and I were all wide eyed. What just happened here!? "David..?" I started but didn't get to finished because he yelled to Courtney, "come honey!" and hung up. 

Me and Mari looked at each other and laughed. 

"Oh... My... God!" Mari yelled. Mari put her head on my shoulder and we continued editing. I still wanna know how he found out. 

Mari's pov 

We were finishing up GTS and just adding in some last second touches. When Matt hit finish and save he turned to me and asks something that made me very happy...

"Mari, wanna go on another date tomorrow night?" He says picking up my hand. "Of course I would!" I say and I get up to kiss him. The kiss turned into a make out. Damn he's a good kisser.

 He pulled away and asked if he wanted him to drive her home or to his apartment. I I told him his apartment just so he didn't have to drive too far at 3 am.

When we got to his apartment we sat on the couch and Netflix and Chill together. We finish... yea and he tucks me into his bed and get in on the other side and we snuggle til we fell asleep. 

Always There Marhinki FFWhere stories live. Discover now