Unpopular thoughts

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A/N Thank you to anyone who has actually made it this far. I just want to say that I was having some stuff go down with some people I care about when I wrote this so it's kind of all over the place. Sorry if it doesn't make sense I was just trying to get thoughts down on "paper".

You think about the world and the earth and society and pressures and your ideal place to live in but it's hard to connect those things back to your conscious place of living.

We're here
Right now
On this earth
And we don't know why
But that's OKAY!
Why can't people understand that it's okay to accept that there's nothing after this and that it's all fake shit that humans put there to make things more difficult because for some reason we think that the world doesn't go around if there's not a challenge or something to fight and get through.
We just put obstacles in our own way because we don't trust one another to be kind and understanding.
Everything we learn, we never needed to because we will all one day be dead.
Everything we ever experience will all be gone one day because we'll all be dead.
Everything we think and feel and do will be forgotten
We will be forgotten
And that's okay!
Usually, when people get to this point in the thought process they shut down and get depressed but people need to keep moving forward with the thought even if it is confusing.

Because when you think of forgotten you think it implies that there is something or someone that could remember but in this case there won't be.
We will be forgotten because there will be no more
And there is no reason to be scared of that because you will be dead one day sooner than when everything else is.

Why does everything have to mean something?
Why can't what is, be. And that's it. You can do what you want to do and the only thing to live for is to be happy.

So much pressure is put on material things because they have limitations. As soon as something is unlimited it becomes valueless to us. We always want what others don't have but why? Because we want power over other people? Why? Why does that matter so much when eventually you will be dead and everything you ever had you no longer will, so why make somebody else powerless and unhappy by hanging what they don't have over their head like that changes anything.
Is that just the cruelty of who we are and it is ingrained into our nature.

Why do we hold so close to sustaining our species? What good do we do? What would be worse off if we weren't here. Nothing. Because it doesn't matter if we're here or not.

Don't get me wrong I love living and being alive, but I also accept the fact that if I weren't here it wouldn't be that big a deal.

We all know we have feelings which is why we care, but happiness and joy come from so much more than material things in vasts amounts which is a trait that is usually assigned to happiness.

People need to figure out that it's okay to not know things. That you are who you are and there is nobody but yourself that can stand in the way of your happiness. My god it makes me SO angry when people say they hate themselves or that they want to change who they are because they are afraid of losing people or that the only reason to live is to make other people happy or that they are afraid the ones they love will hate them. THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER REASONS TO BE SAD!!! Maybe the fact that we are killing the earth or that we have wars and five-year-old children are dying while they try and flee their country or that people are starving to death or that somebody has cancer and only has six months to live. ITS SO FRUSTRATING WHEN PEOPLE SAY THEY HATE THEMSELVES WHEN THEY HAVE NO GROUNDS FOR THAT HATE!

Be who you are. Period. Done. That solves everything. If you are who you are then the people that love you fall for the real you and you won't be worried about what other people think about you or if they're all lying. Yes, yes I know that it's easier said than done and there are definitely circumstances where self-love is a million times harder than other situations but why. Why does it have to be difficult, who said that in order to be happy you have to be somebody you're not, what made you think that that's the case? Let me confirm for you right now that that is not the case and only you are able to change the circumstances and make yourself happy because only you know how you are feeling and what could possibly make you feel better. Every negative thought you have about yourself think about if you heard that from somebody else what would you do with that person. Would you fight them, would you ignore them, would you separate them from your life, or would you let what they said affect you and then feel completely shitty later when the whole thing was avoidable if you had just cut them out of your life. Of course there are certain limitations on what you can do because of age and jobs and other factors like that but as long as you keep moving forward it will all be okay.

Some people talk about how it's scary to move forward away from bad things because what if you don't realize what you had and you miss it more than you could have imagined. But the reality is that you felt a certain way when you were there in that position. Yes, when you leave you might miss certain things but you shouldn't stay because of those few. Don't ignore how you previously felt, you felt that way for a reason and you left for a reason and so you can't go backward just because you are feeling something new, chances are the reason you left was to do exactly that.

Love. Interesting thing.  You can't describe it. Explaining love is like explaining a color. You have no way of describing red other than... red or things that are assigned that color, like roses or the first color of the rainbow. Just like you can't explain love. When or if you try to explain love all you'll come up with is... Love or something along the lines of, how I feel about 'blank'. So yes it is very hard to fall for somebody because you'll never know how they feel. The truth is, though, that the only way you can fall completely in love with someone is if they are also in love with you. You have to fall in love with their love for you. Its takes to sides to make a relationship and that's when you can start to truly discover the depths of your love. You cant expect somebody to love you as much as you love them. You wanna know why you can't do that? Because love is not measurable and all love is different. You can't expect me to love you as much as you love me because I love you and you love me, they are completely different kinds of love so therefore they cannot be compared. Just like you cannot (more like should not because people do it anyways) compare yourself to other people. They are them and you are you. You can try and make yourself like other people but it will never work because you are not them. What you can do though is work on yourself for the sake of you, gain new talents, learn new things, expand your horizons but do not compare yourself to others. It is unfair to yourself because then you will never be truly happy because you will never be completely you, you will always be trying to be someone or something else. Build on yourself because it's who you are not because you want to be something else. There is also a loophole to this thought though which I will discredit which is, what if you are somebody that you do not like. To this I say, then you are not you. To be you, you have to be happy and comfortable in your own skin and mind. Change yourself because that is what will make you happy not because you think it will help others like you.

The fact of the later is that if you are wholly and completely you then there is no possibility of being alone because people will learn the real you, not somebody else who you are unhappy with. There are nearly SEVEN BILLION people on this planet, there has to be at least a few that will accept you for who you are. The sooner you try to be you the sooner you can meet people that love you and make you feel good. You also won't build strong false relationships with people that will be hard to break away from.

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