Chapter 3

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Back at home, Magnolia rolled about on the carpet while reading as Hunter vacuumed the floor. Ironically, he wore a pale yellow apron, in contrast to his masculine appearance. She chanting "Rodante" as she rolled about. Eventually it got on Hunter's nerves.

"Magnolia!" He shouted. Magnolia stopped rolling and looked up from her book. She stared at Hunter for a while. The brother had silver tips in his hair. She ignored him and continued to read her book (and rolling about while chanting once more).

"Why you little...!" Hunter was about to show her the finger when the front door was unlocked. "I'm back!" Magnolia heard another older brother. She took a sniff and smelled mixed scent of morning dew and perspiration.

Magnolia turned over to the from door and saw her older brother. He had a white streak of white hair on his fringe. It was Kyle. "Welcome back~" She mumbled, continuing to read. "Where's Diego? He promised that he's play rugby with me." Kyle said, setting the grocery shopping aside on the counter.

"He's having his siesta now. I don't think he'd be awake until 6." An older voice said. Magnolia closed her book and looked around. She saw a brunette, in his late 20s, walking down the stairs. There were two streaks of silver behind his ears when he turned to look at Kyle.

The sweet aroma of confectionery filled her nose, causing her stomach to growl a little too soon after. "Levi~ I'm hungry!" Magnolia rolled about. "Didn't you just have pudding?" He asked, smiling. "But I'm still hungry~!" Levi sighed. "Where's Lily?" Hunter stopped vacuuming.

"Lily's out with the twins. He said that he'd be back late. And he's eating dinner out." He explained, now unplugging the vacuum. "I'll bring Magnolia out for a snack then." Levi walked around the couch and grabbed Hunter's car keys from the TV console. "Yayers!!" Magnolia cheered, getting up.

Hunter glanced towards his sister's blouse, filled with folds and wrinkles. Her hair was also in a mess. "After you get yourself to be presentable. I'm not allowing you to leave the house like that!" Hunter pointed out Magnolia's crumpled blouse and messy hair. "No one's gonna judge me~!" She pulled a face.

"Make yourself presentable, Luna." Hunter growled. Magnolia stared, puffing up her cheeks with annoyance and defiance. Levi let out an exasperated sigh. He went over to Magnolia, straightened out her blouse and combed through her long hair with his fingers. "See? At least Levi is a better brother!" She pulled another face at Hunter. "That's because he's spoiling you." He added. Magnolia pulled one last face before she headed to the garage first.

Levi gave Hunter a disappointing look. "What?" Hunter asked, taking off his apron. "One: you've got to be nicer to Mag. Two: you have to respect Father's decision about Mag being the Luna." Levi listed. "And three?" Hunter asked, folding his apron nicely into a perfect square.

"Three: You've got to stop wearing that when you're cleaning." Levi answered. "No one's going to judge me about it." Hunter snapped. "There we go, you're like Mag now." The oldest pointed out. "Ughhhhhh." The second groaned as Levi made his way to the garage.

Once he did, he opened the garage door. As it was being opened, Magnolia sat in the driver's seat, pretending to drive. "Vroom, vroom. I'm in my bro's car." She grinned. But it was short-lived when Levi opened the door. "You'll get your license when you turn 16. And I don't care if your friends are getting theirs this year, or they have already gotten theirs."

Levi shooed Magnolia over to the passenger seat. "Aww! No fun!" She giggled. Levi smiled a little, getting in. By the next minute, they were driving to the shopping mall. At their arrival, Levi parked next to a red convertible.

Angey is here! Magnolia smiled, taking a sniff, as they got out. The faint yet familiar aroma of sandalwood filled her nose. Magnolia held Levi's hand, swinging it as they walked. It made her look like Levi's daughter. Levi, in turn, didn't mind his sister's action.

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