Chapter 22

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As ordered, the following morning, everyone set out even though Sūn had not arrived. For unknown reasons, Angelina, Camellia and Myosotis couldn't stay together or even with Magnolia. The copper brunette, who ended up with Ruby Eyes, walked along with Ruby. Unfortunately, the petite Luna wouldn't shut up about Ross. It was barely five minutes since they departed when she started hating the trek.

"You know, when I met Ross, he was such a shy boy..." Ruby continued to blabber. The brunette didn't pay attention as she often glanced front to Angelina, who was with Blake. She seemed to be close with that Luna, as she appeared to be not awkward while talking to the Luna. She glanced to the back. She saw Myosotis with the Amber Claws. Tiberio and Felicia were casually chatting with Feliciano, as if they had known one another for years. The Italian caught her gazing at him. He gently smiled and waved. She felt her cheeks heat up as she weakly waved back, accompanied by a weak smile.

Suddenly, Ruby stopped talking. The latter didn't realize until she bumped into someone. "Oi." She growled, turning forward. A shadow loomed over them. It was Ross. "Ruby," he growled, "could you shut up for a while. Until we make contact with Golden Bell or Coffin?" His eyes glared at his Luna. "Okay.." Ruby yelped, and kept quiet. The Alpha turned to the brunette, who stood at most two heads taller than his mate.

The human deadpanned at him. Ross grabbed Camellia's arm and pulled her in front beside him. "Just in case she talks behind my back, again and literally." He muttered. She narrowed her eyes with annoyance as she shot a cold and heartless glare at him. "Don't give me that look, human." He growled in disgust, scrunching his nose.

"Please. Talk about yourself." She sneered back. Meanwhile, Alexander tripped over a root. "Alex!" Blake cried, grabbing his arm just before he planted his face into the earth. Myers and Xiăo Lóng watched the concurrent events as White Fang trekked in front.


By late noon, they stopped for a break. Angelina collapsed onto her knees, exhausted from the trek. Camellia finally took off her jacket, tied it around her waist, and rolled her jeans up to 3/4. Myosotis rolled up his long sleeves as he kicked off his sneakers. Magnolia walked over. "Are you guys really okay? With us trekking?" She asked. "We're... fine... just... a little tired." The redhead gasped between breaths.

Magnolia turned around and saw Ross scowling. She faced them again. "We're going out again after this." She notified her friends, oblivious to the fact that Camellia went missing. At least until Feliciano waltzed over. "Where's Bella?" He childishly pouted. The group whipped their heads around, searching for the missing teen. "Camellia?" Angelina called. "Camellia!" Myosotis hollered. She had wondered off elsewhere. Possibly more than a few yards as she she heard their muffled cries.

Her feet were sweaty and numb, but she still wore her boots. Camellia walked a little farther when she heard the shrubs rustling. The brunette whipped her head to the source. As heard, a shrub nearby was rustling vigorously. She picked up a stone, rubbing the dirt off as she aimed for the settling intruder. A rabbit hopped out of the shrubs. She stared at its twitching nose for a while. Her eyes moved to its ear, moving about like radars until it flopped over.

Camellia stared at it for a few seconds. The furry animal whipped its head towards her, before peering over its body. In a flash, a black beast lunged and snapped its jaws onto the rodent's body. Shocked as one can be, Camellia was stunned by the sudden appearance of the new animal. She quietly took steps back, cautiously. She eyed the devouring beast until she cracked a twig by accident. She started praying.

Its large golden eyes feasted on her. But something else caught her eyes. Camellia saw a silver coffin outline, with a cross on the middle, on its hind leg. The copper brunette gripped the stone harder as it approached, snarling. Suddenly, its ears flattened, backing down now. Something was behind her. Instinctively, Camellia turned around and saw an orange-colored wolf, with green eyes, standing on a large raised slab of rock.

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