After a several episodes,Luffy has finally found the chest he was looking for...
Luffy:Yes!After billions of episodes,I finally found the One Piece!
He opens the chest with excitement.His smile turned into a frown as he saw what was in the chest.He took out a puzzle piece and a piece of paper.
Luffy:What the?!
He rolled out the piece of paper and read it...
"Dear whoever found the One Peice,
This is the first piece out of 1000,now go and find the rest.Good luck!
-with love
Gol D. Roger"Luffy:Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Random Anime Shit
De Todo~this book will be filled with quotes(most of them are not anime related.),random puns and stupid shit~ [THE TITLE SAYS IT ALL!!!!]