Chapter Twenty-six : Information

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I was baffled, after all the crap I've been through, this is the event that baffles me. I watch speechless as my Grandpa makes living room furniture appear out of no where.

"Close your mouth sweetheart or you will catch flies." Grandpa chuckles as he sits down on one of the recliners that look so real.

I quickly close my mouth as Grandpa suggested and just stand there, we stare at each other until I realize he is waiting for me to sit down. I take a seat on the loveseat beside his recliner and get comfortable.

"Okay so what can you help me with that no one else was able to Grandpa?" I question him as I adjust myself once again, still not being able to get comfortable. I wiggle, stretch and keep readjusting myself until I am finally comfortable.

"Well I don't have lots of time with you because once a person enters limbo their mind slowly deteriorates from the plane of the living. So if I accidentally keep you here to long your body will eat away at your brain, killing you and leaving your lifeless body for someone to find.

"Ok so I shut up, sit down and listen is what you're saying." My grandpa nods his head and sits back in his giant chair.

"Correct. So the reason I can help you is because I am not of the living which means I am not affected by this war you have to be part of. But at the same time you have to figure things out on your own as well otherwise your vision may be blinded by the love you have for that man. When you were told to follow your instinct that means trust your wolf and Camira. They will not lead you astray nor will they allow you to make the wrong choice. Now you must realize that when I say a wrong choice I mean what is wrong to them, them being animal and elemental means they may be different then your own views."

I nod to encourage him to continue talking, so far I understand what he is saying.

"Ok now, a quick review for you. You know this is one of your tests and you know that how you handle this effects the decision in the war right?" I nod my head. "Okay so you seem to be handling it perfectly fine right now so confront this issue head on. You are a smart young woman and I believe that if you went back you could sort this out a lot quicker than being away. Plus you already know the answer of who did this, deep down you know the answer if you would just open yourself up."

That right there had me thinking, do I really know who did it?

"I am not done child, don't space out just yet. Something I have been thinking about a lot lately is if you would be able to avoid the war at all. I mean the war is just about a rift between all kinds of creatures. If there is a way to fix this I know you would be able to figure this out. Alter your future and take control of what belongs to you. Yes there is a prophecy, but that doesn't mean it is set in stone. Only you can decide what happens in your future." He stands up abruptly sending a strong gust of wind making all the furniture disappear.

I don't fall like I would have thought, no, I just hover there until I stand up. I take a confused look around to try and comprehend what is going on when Grandpa starts walking away really fast.

"What's wrong grandpa? Where are you going?" I call out as he gets farther and farther away from me. Suddenly I feel all tingly as a warmth surrounds my body.

"Your grandfather is gone now child as this was not his place." The familiar voice of the moon goddess follows the warmth, wrapping around my body causing me to freeze in place.

"What do you mean this is not his place?" I was so confused, one minute grandpa said he could help me the next minute I'm being told he can't.

"I mean my child he has told you some things that you were never meant to be told, these things you were supposed to figure out on your own. Yes I admit that he was right when he told you he will not be effected by the war and this will not change how things happen but it is still beside the point that he was not supposed to help." She sighs in exasperation as my surroundings start to fade away to the top of a very tall mountain.

"You my child need to be sent home, and I want you to do what you must. The time is almost up for this challenge and if you do not act then I am afraid that it will be the end for any creature that is not human." She looked on the verge of tears as she relayed this information.

Before I could reply or even comprehend exactly what she meant I felt my body falling, I scared myself awake jolting up into a sitting position. My breathing was labored and heavy, as my body was covered in a sheen of sweat making my clothes stick to my skin. I sit in bed panting as I try to catch my breath as my mind reals taking in all this new information.

I try focusing on Camira and my wolf and I can barely feel their presence, they are almost gone in my mind. But how it hasn't been that long since I have been away. A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts.

"Come in." I called out as I use the blankets to wipe the excess sweat off my face.

"I'm glad you're awake Kat, we must get ready to go meet the council. You have slept through the two days we had to wait. They will be waiting for us in an hour. Hurry." He threw a pair of clean clothes at me and rushed out of the room.

I don't waste any time and jump in the shower to wash away the sweat and sleep off my body, I didn't have time to think just scrub. Mindlessly I went through the process of washing my hair, body and drying off, getting dressed and walking towards the door.

I didn't take long and I was back sitting beside Jensen as we drive towards our meeting where no one knows the outcome of their decision.

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