Chapter Eight: Exorcism Part II

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Draven's POV

Carmella followed me into the kitchen with a solemn look on her face. I know how she felt, I felt the same way, like a failure. We messed up and big time, extracting Kat's element was one thing but it was almost impossible to put the element back into her body.

"What do we do now? We can't let Belial win. There is only two hours until the midnight hour is upon us and once the clock strikes twelve we won't be able to remove Belial at all. He will take over and kill the supernatural world." I took a deep breath to try and sort out what to do.

"I know the prophecy." I snapped, she didn't need to remind me that Kat was the one who could save or destroy the supernatural world. The only thing that no one understood was that the war is not just a war between creatures. It is also a war between her mind and body.

"Sorry I am just worried. I don't want to die, and I certainly don't want Belial in control. He would not only kill the supernatural races but he would enslave and kill the humans as well." She sighed deeply troubled by our predicament.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes before I got an idea, a brilliant idea that I hoped would work to our benefit. Immediately I picked up the phone and called Alpha Cain, hoping he was still awake.

"What happened?" Cain's worried voice came from over the phone.

"We haven't succeeded yet but I need your help and your packs help some more. I need everyone who can to come surround the cottage, joining hands and chanting a prayer to the moon goddess. It has to happen soon. Very soon as we only have until the strike of midnight so banish Belial." I explain in as much detail as I can without taking too long.

"I will set it up and as many people that can will be there within fifteen minutes." With out waiting for a response Cain ended the call, I smiled at how strong is emotions are for this woman. That might just be the key to getting rid of the demon.

"Now what?" Carmella asks slightly confused.

"Now we enchant a special mirror that will not only trap but also banish Belial back to the depths of hell, then hope and pray to the moon goddess that having many more soles that want Kat safe will help strengthen us and help us succeed in ridding this world of Belial." I tell her as I walk to the bedroom down the hall from where Kat slept.

Coming back with an oval mirror that has been in my family for generations I gently set it down on the table. It was in storage because it had belonged to my great great grandmother back in the 1600's and her magic still could be felt on this mirror. The outer ring of the mirror was gold and silver wrapping around the middle of the glass like a rope, then the bottom had a plaque that read; Fear No Evil For The Luna Dea Loves Us All. In a beautiful olden time print.

"Let's go, Cain and his followers should be out side before long." I nod to Carmella trying to ease her tension. We both head to the trap door and head down once again to see that the demon is still fully in control.

"I see you aren't backing down demon." I smirk trying to act confident and not give away my doubts.

"Yes and I see you just won't give up either. It is almost the bewitching hour soothsayer, I will have my body to control. The only thing you have done in taking the woman's element was make her resolve weaker." And the demon laughed even harder then he was while mocking us.

What the demon said made me realize that by removing Kat's element she only had her wolf for support now so her internal fight won't be as strong any more. That gave me an idea though, I pull out my phone and quickly text Cain.

Me: Cain can you still mind link with Kat's unconscious mind?

His reply was immediate.

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