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_Time skip: Summer_


Me and Jordan were hanging out cause of 'things' going on with Kyle, I keep blaming Jordan for what he said. But I can't really blame him because he doesn't even know what he did wrong. There's just one thing that saddens me about this whole situation and it's a really selfish thing, I still want Kyle to apologize for missing our day, it's not right for me to feel this way and act so selfishly because of a problem I'm blaming him for that I won't speak to him about.

Me and sweeto went to Starbucks and he saw a group of girls. And by girls I mean the whore and her b¡tch possy. So it was only right to ruin this. Plus he already has a girlfriend, well if he flirts with them then I can do something. Which he is going to do knowing him.

"Hey Jamie" he said. Yes! He's starting to flirt, my turn.

"Oh hey Jordan *wink*" Jamie said smiling. This b¡tch did not just 'wink' at my bro

"What are you ladies doing out here" he asked

"Shopping" she answered

"Look behind him" Marlie said to Jamie

Jamie the looked to the right behind him "What are YOU doing here, are you following him and you have a boyfriend"

Now this would be a great time to do what I'm planning in my head. Soooooo imma do it!

"Jamie don't be so silly you do this all the time" I said trying to sound annoying

Conveniently Blair, another one of jammies groupies. Was on her phone and I could tell she was recording, so I did what any other teenage girl trying to get at her childhood enemy would do.

I kissed my brother on the cheek, grabbed his wrist and said

"Look sweeto there's a cute giant Teddy bear on sale over there"

How convent is it that his last name is sweeto, and it can be used as a pet name or something like that.

"Wait!" Jamie said, as I planned "here three invitations for my party make sure kyle's there"

I took the lavender colored envelopes and went about my day. My plan is to make her believe me and Jordan were dating, you see unlike her and her group everybody knows Jordan's my brother and I'm dating Kyle. But because she doesn't give a fück about me or my life she doesn't know he's my brother. And he doesn't know that when we get in the house I'm going to get on his a$$ about flirting with Jamie and going out with Taliyah.

_At home_

Me and Jordan walked in the house and the first thing I noticed was Kyle. He was sitting on the couch eating some buttered noodles, I never really cared for buttered noodles, but to be fair I hate a lot of foods. Jordan went upstairs because he hates noodles and can't Stand the smell.

When kyle heard the door close he looked over the couch and he had noodles hanging from his mouth. Something I think is funny.

"Hey Kyle" I said to him

He was still trying to stuff a butt load of noodles down his mouth so he just gave me a thumbs up.

"Want some of my milkshake" I asked

He finally finished eating down a mountain of noodles and we started to have a conversation.

_At: 12: 46am_

"I hate you so much!" I yelled at Kyle in surprise

"It's true, I only dated Jamie to make you jealous" he said back raising his hands in defense

"You made me all depressed and crap, I thought you hated me or something. You jerk"

Me and Kyle have been sitting on the couch since me and Jordan got back from the mall. We haven't eaten or used the bathroom, which is surprising because we shared a giant milkshake and I have a weak bladder.

"You should make a YouTube channel" he suggested

"What, that's your thing"

"It can be our thing" he said inching his hand closer to mine


"Good we can make your first video right now, I'll get my camera equipment and set it up"


I came back down with my DSLR camera and a stand. I set it up so that we could make the video sitting on the couch, I said I had to make a video for my channel first.

So I set up the camera and pressed record.

"So hey guys what's up" I said putting up the peace sign "I am here with... Jorden! Say 'hi' Jorden"

"Hello" she said nervously

"Alright, so first I want to say: I am so, so, so, so, sorry for not uploading in a while. Things have been going on and it's been like living in hell. But still that is not a good excuse to not upload, so I apologize. Second: at the end of this video I will be announcing so big news. Third: me and Jorden will be playing truth or dare, and last but not least fourth: I will make this a two part video so the second part will be up right after this one, cause you guys deserve to get more than one video after a whole two months of no videos. Ready to play Jorden"

"I guess so, I'm scared to be honest"

"Awe don't be" I said hugging her

"Okay I'm ready"

"Alright, so, truth or dare"

"Ummm dare, cause I can"

"I dare you to... Get a bottle of your mom's cooking wine and drink a spoonful"

"Hell no"

"Then your punishment is, you have to wear a one-z all rest of the video"


The she went upstairs and got dressed into her one-z, and we continued the video.

"Alright Kyle, truth or dare"


"I dare you to go into the kitchen and make out with a spatula"


So I went into the kitchen and did the dare with the spatula

Then we went back and fourth until it was time to end the video.

"That is all for today hope you enjoyed the video and the thing i wanted to talk to you guys about is that Jorden is my... Girlfriend!, no hate in the comment please. So yea, I hope you guys like her she made me put makeup on so. But anyway hope you like the video, she is going to be making a YouTube channel cause I'm forcing her to so don't forget to subscribe to it, link in the description and peace out Kyeforce byeeeee✌"

Then we made the other video for my channel and a video for her channel. She was so awkward and shy, it was adorable. She made three videos. A five facts about me. Why you should hate Kyle David Hall, featuring Kyle David Hall. Then her last video was a draw my life.

After all that filming I stayed up editing and she stayed up with me. Until about 4:32am when I finally finished editing.

Then we went to our rooms and fell asleep. Something was still off about Jorden, it started when I broke up with Jamie. Who cares right now, I'll ask in the morning.

Then I went to Jorden's room cause I'm romantic. And laid next to her with my arm around her waist. She turned around and snuggled herself into my chest

"Goodnight Kyle"

"Goodnight Jorden"

Then we both fell asleep.

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