So Much To Learn

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Becca's Pov:

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Becca's Pov:

Grayson told me to go home spend my last day as a regular "Bleeding Heart" whatever that means. Be normal, do the things I would always do. Make breakfast, go to the gym, do laundry, all that good stuff. I knew what he meant by "spending my last day" but at the same time, I was confused by it all.

I was already eating breakfast, on my back porch. I wanted to enjoy every last part of my normal life, because somehow I knew that i'd be thrust into a world, I never believed existed. After I had eaten breakfast, I wanted to take a good bath, so that's what I did.

It was now afternoon time and I had cleaned my house up. The day was dwindling down, getting closer to the time Grayson told me he would pick me up.

I would've called friends over so that I could splurge and have a girls night, but I don't really have friends. My boss is really the only person who I communicate with. Other than Grayson, the mysterious guy I met not too long ago.

I was jolted awake, by Grayson moving my arm. "Becca, wake up! It's time. I have to take you to the mansion." I sat up rubbing my forehead "The Mansion? What kind of name is that?" Grayson laughed then said "I think you'll understand it when you see it."

I grabbed my bag but Grayson took it and put it back down. "What the hell Grayson? That's my bag." He said to me "You can't bring anything from your past life into the mansion. "Leave everything behind" is one of the rules.

I say "well what am I supposed to do about my apartment? Just leave it here?" He said "for a month yes. Then you can live here again, while carrying out your duties." I half smiled then said "Alright, but can you at least let me know how far it is?" Grayson said "It's about an hour and a half away. So if you fall asleep, i'll wake you when we arrive." I nodded in agreement and we drove off into the night.

I guess an hour and a half was up, because next thing I know, i'm being woken up by Grayson....again. He hovers over me and I see the corners of his lips, upturned. Kind of like a smile maybe....I don't know. "Is that a smile I see?" His expression hardens and he says "Stay focused. Distractions in our line of work get people killed."

I put my hand on my forehead, giving him a salute saying, "Got it chief. Now where's the mansion...." Before my eyes stood possibly the most beautiful building I had ever laid my eyes on. It was a huge mansion that had windows I couldn't even count on one hand. I wonder who pays the bills here.

Grayson led me inside. We walked through many, I mean many hallways, before we stopped at a set of french style doors. He said to me "this is where you'll stay. There are plenty of clothes, for you to change into. And you have your own bathroom as well. Will this be okay for you?"

He says as I open the doors, to reveal a gorgeous room, that has creme colored walls with gold trimmed wallpaper. A beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling and some twinkle lights on the headboard. I said back to Grayson "I think I can manage. So i'll see you tomorrow then?" He nods then walks out.

 So i'll see you tomorrow then?" He nods then walks out

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I open a drawer and I find a black set of pajamas. It looks really comfortable actually, oooo and it's silk. These people are some serious spenders. I wonder were the money comes from. I slipped into the pajamas and I laid down in the bed.

I thought of what this new life would be like. Would it be adventurous, exciting, dangerous? I laid there for about 10 minutes, then I got thirsty. Every night I would go to my kitchen and get a glass of milk, it helped calm me down.

I wasn't really sure were I was going. As I walked down a hallway, a voice said to me "Need any help?" I turned to see a girl about my age coming my way. I said to her "Actually yeah. I'm looking for the kitchen, where is it at?" She pointed me in the direction and I was off.

After five minutes, I finally found a cup to drink my milk in. I grabbed the milk from the fridge, which might I add is really big and stocked to the brim. As I drank my milk I heard two voices talking. A woman's voice "She is very promising. I know her potential." Then I heard Grayson's voice "She's a little hot tempered and could use a makeover. We can't have a hunter looking like that."

My mouth dropped. The woman laughed a little then said "Oh you like her already don't you Grayson? And have a little faith, Jacque is a wonderful stylist." I went back to my room and laid in the bed. How could he say that to me? That was so rude. Well i'll show him alright.

**** Hope you enjoyed chapter 3!! Im starting to get pumped for this book! Haha :P ****

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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