Peter Pan Chanty ( to soothe some hunger/thirst)

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There once lived a lad
Every time he talked it was bad
But no ever looked at him and felt sad

One day on a regular day
He was eating a payday #disgusting
When something filled him with dismay

He looked towards the sea
And all he could see was a picture Smee
( duh dumbass Smee from Peter Pan. What other Smee do you know)

Upon the voyage he did notice
A man with a beard blacker than the night
The man surely gave him a fright.

What he did hear when he lended an ear
" Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum"
Who be the lassy with a face bluer than a plum

All the lad could say was "Me"
And the pirate responded with a loud " I see"

But something the lad saw out of his eye
Was more surprising than any thing he seen

A boy in tights, greener than the grass
He had to be young as he had no perky ass

Upon his shoulder it glowed
A tiny fairy it showed

Before anything else was done
The lad got up and yelled
"Screw this shit I'll see you hell"

My pal Amus worked on a little Chanty for you all.

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