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"We'll it's your first day at princesses school Lucy " I said happily wail getting out of my pjs

" lucy darling come on we haft to get going other wise you'll be late " my mum shouted

" ok mum " I shouted rushing down stairs

" what took you so long lucy " my mum said

" sorry I was just talking to myself again " lucy said sadly

My mum came up to me and hugged me " don't worry lucy I'm sure you will make some lovely friends at this school" my mum said smiling

And then I gave a smile back "yeah I'm going to do my best today " I said smiling

Then I rushed out the door to the carriage and I hopped in it and shouted my mum " come on mummy " I said excitedly and she rushed out the door and locked it and came and sat next to me

Then we were of to the new school I couldn't stop thinking about how many friends I was going to make . Then we were here it was so big I couldn't believe what was in front of my eyes

"Ok lucy come on " my mum said

"Ok!" I said running

We started walking in the hall ways and my mum said " here we go lucy your class room " I walked in and everyone was staring at me I started to freak out abit "hello" someone said with A nice voice " my name is mrs Tina " she said nicely . I just stayed quiet next to my mum " hello my name is Layla and this is my daughter lucy " my mum said .

" H-hi " I said quietly she just smiled and said " hello lucy " she smiled and pointed to were I was going to sit . She pointed to this girl with red short hair and dark brown eyes . I walked to her "hi" she said . I sat down and said"hi my name is lucy " I said nervously "it's ok there's no need to be shy and my names Ezra " she said wale smiling . I smiled back " you have a nice name " I said "thanks " Ezra said . And then I saw my mum waving good bye to me I waved back .

-2 hours later-

It was break time . I was playing in the sand pit with Ezra when all of a sudden someone kicked my sand castle over l
hey you your new arnt you " this girl with short white hair and light blue eyes "Y-yeah " I said sadly " we'll just so you now my name is lissana and I rule this place you got that blonde " she said " my names lucy " I said " I don't care what your name is I just wanted to tell you that I'm the ruler of this place " and I said " no your not the head teacher runs it " she was just silent until she pushed me " OW!" I said scared " WHAT DID YOU SAY BLONDIE " she said angrily

I was about to cry when Ezra said " leave her alone lissana !!" Lissana just looked at Ezra with an angry look she new Ezra was older than her "FINE!" She said angrily .and then looked at me " until next time blondie " and walked off to here friends.

I stared to cry and then Ezra came and gave me a hug " it's ok " she said but I was to sad and I pushed her away " no it's not ok!! I new I wasn't going to fit in " and I ran of into the bushes and I heard Ezra shouting me but I ignored it and I stoped running after 5 mins and I fell on my knees " I new I wansnt going to fit in " I said wale crying

" Hey are u ok " someone said with a soft voice

( hey guys it's bunny girl sorry if it's rubbish I'm abit new to this lol but I hope u like it and sorry if your a nail fan XD I'm just a nalu but I do like lissana so don't hate me :3 see u in the next episode !!)

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( hey guys it's bunny girl sorry if it's rubbish I'm abit new to this lol but I hope u like it and sorry if your a nail fan XD I'm just a nalu but I do like lissana so don't hate me :3 see u in the next episode !!)

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