Chapter 2: Beautiful...

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Victoria's P.O.V:

It was Monday now and i was having an amazing lay in when i suddenly heard loud drilling coming from across the square. I then glanced at the clock and found i had managed to scrape and extra hour and a half lay in and decided maybe it was time to get up.

I thought about what i was going to do and considered going downstairs to help set up but knew they wouldn't need me anyway. So i thought about getting some of the work from school done but decided i could finish that this afternoon and thought about maybe going out for some fresh air.

I then decided a jog was probably a good idea seeing as it was what i normally did on a Monday morning since i was aiming to drop a few pounds. I mean everybody tells me that i don't need to lose anything at all but i didn't agree. See i wasn't really built like mum or Nancy, they were skinny and petite and i was sort of the opposite.

I was a bit taller then mum and i was, lets just say well endowed in the chest area and i was quite a bit bigger than any of the other women in my family. And then i had quite a small waist and a wider set of hips and quite a nice bum. But it meant that i had a bit of a stomach and my thighs were quite thick too but from my knees down were average sized and a little toned from the running. But overall i still had a bit here and there that i could lose.

So with that in mind i got up and did my business in the bathroom before heading back to my room to get dressed. I decided on a pair of black track suit bottoms, my old trainers and my black vest top. (As well as a VERY supportive bra.) I also pulled my long, straight hair up once again into a ponytail, knowing i was going to have a shower and change when i got back anyway.

When i arrived in the kitchen i was surprised to see them all in there eating breakfast and had to double check my watch and was surprised to find they weren't downstairs already.

"What are you all doing up here?" I asked as i sat on one of the counters as dad stood next to me and handed me my bowl of fruit. "Thanks old man." I said with a grin as i popped a grape in my mouth.

"Oi, less of that. And we're just trying to have a family breakfast is all..." He said as he looked over at the table and i followed his eyes and almost spat out my apple in shock. Lee and Nancy were sat next to each other and nobody was dead! (I mean they weren't being friendly, or even looking at each other but it was progress!)

Mum then turned to me with a smile and i gave her a confused one back as i continued to munch on my fruit. "So i was thinking, you don't mind looking after Olly later do you? He loves it when you do and i know that you'll be bored this afternoon." She asked as Olly looked over at me too and i couldn't help but grin, i really did love the little messy monster.

"Course, you know i love spending time with my little messy monster." I smiled as i kissed his head and he grinned up at me when i fed him a grape and he got it everywhere. I heard everybody laugh, aww look at me doing good for everybody. "Right, i'm off for a run i'll be back in a little bit, don't miss me too much!" I called as i headed outside and laughed as heard them all telling me to get lost basically.


I had ran almost three miles when i jogged back onto the square and i was just passing the house that i knew once belonged to Max Branning. So naturally Jack popped into my thoughts and i couldn't help but smile at the thought of the handsome man. Damn, what i wouldn't give for a few dates with that man.

And with those thought in mind i was really distracted and wasn't taking any notice of anything. And that was when i felt a body collide quite harshly with mine and i fell onto the path and groaned a little when i sat up. My butt and sides were killing me from where i had landed and i was ready to give whoever was stupid enough to run into me a piece of my mind.

Victoria CarterWhere stories live. Discover now