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Hey guys!!! I know I'm not consistent with my chapters but i have a lot of exams and stuff for my senior year. so without further is the third chapter.

Clary's POV


Jon just dropped me off. I'm standing in the middle of the side walk
I take a deep breathe and walk forward.
I don't know where I'm going so I take out the map. Of course me being the clumsy person I am I bump into someone. I look up and I see...... 

A golden haired god. The time just stopped. He has dirty blonde hair and amazing golden eyes. Really tall, about 6 ft 4. He has an amazing body. strong like a body builder, but lean. i realized I've been checking him out for like the past few minutes. I look up blushing.

He knowingly smirks at me "see something you like..." he winks, HE FUCKIN WINKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"erm... no?" Obviously me being me i cant speak my mind. ugh
"oh really?" He smirks evilly. he then leans in. slowly and slowly.

IS HE ABOUT TO KISS ME? I just met the guy.

his face is getting closer and closer.

I think my face is as bright as tomato. His face is getting even closer... I see that delicious smirk. And then.... his face is past my face picking up my suitcase. FUCKIN HELL.

"you got a little drool there strawberry..." he says while smirking. whattttt .

"erm....I..I'm just gonna g..go" i grab my suitcase and run, obviously tripping my way through.

I make my way across the whole campus to Baker Hall. The building looks like everything else on campus. Like an old medieval castle. It's really beautiful. Like something my great grandparents would appreciate with a lot of enthusiasm.

I enter the building and the inside looks nothing like the outside. The inside had a nice and organized 'living room' where anyone can meet up. On the side there's a little bar filled with soda and water. It's a nice neutral room. As u go down the hall you see many more rooms.

Each door has a little white board on it which the people living in that room can design as per their liking. Got to look for room BB1. Wherever that is. I go down the hall and then realize that the first floor is level AA(lolz double A batteries. So I guess I have to go to the next floor right? As per my conclusions I was right. The first door to the right of the stairs is BB1. 

I shuffle around my pockets looking for the keys that I now I put there earlier. Its not lost its just a little misplaced. After 5 long minutes of searching for my keys I give up. I go to the main building and see that my keys are just sitting there on top of the desk. Back to the dorm. Again. As I'm struggling up to my dorm, I see a crowd of people in the 'living room' circling around something. I must get to dorm. Of Course curiousity kills the cat and I take a look. And... its golden hair boy. of course. Wait what is he doing. Is that a girl???  Wait....What? She's probably his girlfriend or something. Suddenly i dont feel so good. Maybe I didn't drink enough water and I could eat. Well.. better get to the dorm and search for food . 

I finally reach my dorm and......

SORRYYYYY. For the few of you that actually read this very crappy story, i know that this is a very short chapter. :( I promise that the next chapter will be longer. Hopefully. huehuehuehuheuehueuhueuhehuehueheuhuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehueheuheuehueuheueh (alright I'll stop now)  :-)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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