The last day home

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Hi guys!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the second chapter of the story. And i got 10 viewssss!!!!! Doesn't sound like a lot but i only imagined getting half the views i got. Anyways without further or due... here is the second chapter.

The characters belong to Cassandra Clare who is the author of The Mortal Instrument. But the plot belongs to me.

One more thing, please don't copy my ideas. Thats copyright btw. ;)

~Clarys POV~

This is the last day that at my house before im sent of to college. It's pretty bitterrsweet. I mean im gonna be really sad that im not gonna be able to see Simon and my mom for a really long time. Especially Luke. He's like the fatherr i neverr had. sigh. But im atually glad that i can go out and experience life myself. if only I had a life to begin with.

PAGE BREAK~dinner the same night~

It's the last night eating dinner with the fam. Moms tearing up while eating. I swear Imma break down if she continues this. I swear this lady is gonna make me change my mind. My mother and I where always really close. She's like my best friend. Sigh. No wonder I'm such a loner.

Fortunately, dinner last by with only a few tears shed. I successfully avoided the waterfall that was about to burst.

I got up to go to bed when the doorbell rang.

I open the door quickly, to curious to see who rand the bell this late. There stood.... My brother........Jonathan.

~Flashback~ to 6 years ago~
I was just it middle school when my brother left to join the military. My brother has always been there for me. He was one of the only people I would go to consult to. (The other one being my mum).

My brother was packing his suitcase about to leave the house. I was so confused. Why would he leave. He can't leave.
"JONATHAN" I yelled "where r u going"

"I'm just going for a little vacation sis don't worry about it..." Replied Jonathan

"I know ur lying Jon" I always called him Jon whenever I'm annoyed. He hates the name. But this time he wasn't mad. He actually look sorrily at me. The hay hay. Something is wrong.

"Your right.... Ok so...."he rubs his hands together, one of his many nervous habits.
"...I sort of joined the military... I'm leaving for training today..." (lol idk if it's called that let me know on the comments what u think)

"WHATT!?!?!?.....NO JONATHAN YOU CANT" my face was contorted with anger by know. My red curly hair flying every where.

"U can get yourself killed... What if I never see You again."

"Don't worry clary I'll come back"and with that he left.

~flashback ends~

"JONATHAN" I screech. I run and jump into his arms hugging him as tightly as possible.

Jonathan has certainly changed. He's more lean and muscular than before

He looks at me with surprise and shock too.

"Damn clary. Look at how grown up you look" Not to brag but my hips did bust out a bit and my breast filled out a lot. Giving me a more feminine touch.

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