© 2013 by tore56789 (GOS) All rights reserved.
A Girl, A Butterfly.
A Girl fantasies that she is a butterfly. She laughs at this thought.
The idea is kind of ridiculous after all.
But her vision isn’t that of a simple insect like creature.
Her notion is something magical!Trying to block out the noise, the voices, the anger; both in and out, which hit like waves! Men telling her that she’s too big a catch to be by herself! She sinks deeper into her imagination, so helped by the booze, and realises, she really was trying to envisage a magical little being with wings, like a fairy princess, perhaps, who of course resided in a beautiful castle with her fairy prince –from some tale she had adored as a child, and smiled so happily about, when her mother read it out to both her and her little sister.
So in her mind, she climbed high into the air, flittering away her wings. And with a wave of her wand, she passed right through the solid structure of the ceiling, and out into the starlet night –leaving the painful world underneath behind: a place where dreams became trodden on, and laughed away!
Before her suddenly looms sparkling lights –but not stars!
They are the lights of her Kingdom!
And they illuminate the night from where they hover on a silver cloud.
She is aware her Prince awaits her there!
Awaits her return with his heart empty; not having her to hold and caress him!Suddenly this illusion is shattered, when a voice breaks in through the barrier she had erected,
and says, “Come on Jenny, they’re all deadbeats here tonight. I knew it was a waste of time coming along here after the pub. Certainly no Princes or Knights on white horses. More like tossers riding on the backs of mangy old mongrels.” The girl laughed, intoxicated.From her seat, she heard the blond girl, thirties, beat looking, with makeup running from heat, sweat, say again, “Are you coming? Let’s get a taxi.”
And with a nod, she got up and followed.
After all, what was the point of fantasizing, for a thirty six year old woman, who only had to look forward to working in a factory, Monday to Friday, in a town where farmers mainly resided. Such locations weren’t places for fantasies! Not to mind, royalty calling to her door!
She was lucky, if a man with any goodness in heart, viewed her as something more, than what added up to as a takeaway.
Because in her heart, the girl with the long brunette hair, okay figure, knew she was more than that.
And somewhere out there that beautiful man she sought, and who sought her, knew it too.