Chapter 1: Only a legend?

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February 29th, 2016. An infamous date in the local mythology of Stanton City. As legend goes, every leap year in Stanton, the Mountain Queen, a strong, firm, cruel woman , takes one child away. The story goes that she takes them away to her caves in the mountain, and uses them as slaves for breaking rocks, building furniture, and generally making money. But these children won't get a penny of it. The Mountain Woman pockets it all, and works the child to the bone for four years. Usually by the next leap year, the slave will have died of malnourishment, exhaustion or illness. And so the cycle keeps on going, as The Mountain Queen MUST have a slave. Or else.....

"Ha! You actually believe that stuff, Sienna? It's all rubbish. There's no such thing as a mountain queen, and you know it," said Aria, lounging on her bed. "Maybe that's what you think," shot back Sienna. " Nobody's ever proved it, but then again, it's never been disproved. How do you explain the disappearance of Joshua in 2012? And what about Lilian in 2008? "
" There was a logical explanation for both of them. Joshua left to move away to Scotland, and Lilian is homeschooled now," smirked Aria.
"Yeah? So how do you explain that Lilian's house is boarded up, and has been for 8 years? The community don't see what's right under their nose. Nobody would guess that the legend is true. But I believe it, and I wanted everyone to take action and precaution this year. As usual, no one listened," sighed Sienna.
"Well..." Aria was interrupted by their mum clattering into the bedroom.
"Come on, Sienna, go to bed. School tomorrow, so no more talking. Off you go now,"said mum, ushering Sienna out of the small bedroom. The girl followed, sighing. Why wouldn't anyone believe her?

The night was bright, shadows dancing on the moonlit walls. Sienna tossed and turned, unable to switch her thoughts off, which were flitting around her brain like energetic caged birds. What if she was right, and the Mountain Queen did come tonight? Who would she take with her to the abandoned, desolate mountain caves? Aria didn't seem bothered about the legend, and no doubt she was snoring peacefully next door. But Sienna couldn't get the ominous thoughts out of her head. What if, what if, what if?.....

Meanwhile, next door, all was well, as Sienna had predicted. Aria was sleeping like a baby, head filled with sweet dreams. Patches of moonlight lay on the walls, still shadows forming sinister shapes. All but one, moving closer and closer to the sleeping figure. Hooked claws were suddenly illuminated, frozen against the wall. The shadowy figure crept towards the bed, as still and silent as a cat. Aria muttered in her sleep, tossing around. But she doesn't wake, not even as all the moonlit shadows are obstructed by the creeping silhouette. A long, sharp set of fingernails reach towards the bed, like daggers driving home their target. The deformed, clawed hand tears away the duvet.....

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