Tagged: 15 Things about me, 15 tags

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Thank you, PanEggy for tagging me to do this. *Twisted Smile*

The drawing is from last year so it's old.

Anyways let's start.

1. I'm 18 the 15th may 2016, meaning in 15 days
2. I have no chance to take a driving licence as soon as I become 18.
3. I'm currently really busy with school stuff and such.
4. I will be going on a photography trip in two weeks and hopefully a photography trip to Norway the last week of my summer break. This sumnerbreak trip could be counted as a summer training camp but since (like football training sumner camp in Japan) we don't do summer camps like that it isn't.
5. I'm currently deadtired
6. My real name is Emelie and I have a friend who's second name is Emelie and also a distant relative in America who's name is Emily
7. I think my brother may become a NEET.
8. I like cooking and I really want to try out more breakfast recipes.
9. Haven't drawn in awhile because I'm too busy.
10. I don't put on fat easily, mainly because I'm pretty tall, around 5,7-5,8 feet and 175-176 cm
11. I'm planning to do commissions in the near future
12. Got a lot of free drawings to draw first, ugh.
13. My grandmother died in lungcancer recently even thou she hasn't smoked at all in her entire life. (Unlucky things on unlucky number)
14. Am "diagnosed" with laziness.
15. Glad I'm done, didn't even know that I was done.

The randomly tagged 15:

And Despair_and_Hope I've completed your Speedpaint it's on YouTube go check it out, I'll send the pic later.

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