I've just finished watching Disney's Pocahontas (1995) and it's sequel (1998) so I'm thinking of drawing her next.
Honestly Disney's Pocahontas wasn't the Pocahontas movie from my childhood. I had this only grandma whom I loved to visit as a kid and she had another older version of Pocahontas which I really liked. I really want to rewatch that but Disney has taken over the Internet... So that childhood of mine is now gone... Sigh. I really really wanted to rewatch it. I'm not sure if that grandma is still alive and if she still has it. Last time I saw it I was like 5-6 years old but I still remember one of the scenes.
Anyway I'm gonna draw Pocahontas and then maybe Ariel... The next live action is The Little Mermaid so why not?! Imma let patroens vote for the princess after that if I have any then or I'll just continue deciding for myself.
Drawing Habbits, Hobbies Tips And Tricks
Ngẫu nhiênWARNING! The chapter called "Guys pack your thing and move to Canada..."s main point is about politics. If you do not like that pls skip it. My second drawing book! If you need help with drawing, just ask and I will come to your rescue (but I may br...