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I held my breath as I pressed closer to the wall. Shadows covered my body and clung to my clothes. Two guards walked past, completely unaware I was standing right next to them. When they passed, I waited a heartbeat before peering out, at the congregation of the Roman Empire's highest political leaders.

Elegant ladies draped in expensive, purple stolae smiled and laughed as they sipped at rich, imported wine mixed with water. Men lounged in purple or gold bordered garments, gesturing wildly as they talked. In the middle was a long table, groaning under the weight of decadent and exotic foods. Grapes blanketed in a thick honey liquid, olives with a date reduction, fish drowning in a boiled wine and honey sauce, bread spread with olive oil and sesame seeds. Exotic meats from all over the known world covered the table - tender fish, thin-cut lamb, wine-soaked beef, honeyed pork. I even saw mice, lying on sweet bread and covered in amber liquid.

The Emperor stood the the back, observing the surroundings and chatting with his father, Orestes, with a hard expression. In a purple-red saffron robe, he was clearly marked the reason for the festivities, yet he didn't seem happy.

We were in the Emperor's garden. Green, freshly trimmed plants twisted and curved on the outskirts of the clearing, as if it were a forest paradise. Torchlight flickered over the scene, casting a dark golden glow across the secluded world, adding an almost mystical touch. Gritting my teeth, I scooted backwards back into the shadows as two more guards walked past.

When they had gone, I let out the breath I was holding. It was time to go, before I was arrested. With one glance around, I stepped out of the shadows, and threw my shoulders back. Chin up, I strode into the throng of people. The reaction was immediate.

People shied away from me, like my inferiority might be contagious. All talk stopped, and one woman even screamed. Gasps flickered through the group. Something fell on my breast, and I looked up into a leering face. "You here for the entertainment, slave girl?" A man slurred.

"You idiot," Another man exclaimed. "That's the gladiatrix... The one that lost today." His face wrinkled in disgust as he looked at me, the once unbeatable, yet now conquered female gladiator.

I ripped his hand off me with a nauseous feeling in my stomach and continued walking. Another man tried to grab me. "You need some help getting to the slave quarters, whore?" He hissed. A woman behind him squealed, "Guards!"

I sneered. "Get your hands off me." With a deft flick of my wrist, I ducked under his arms and sent him spinning into the woman behind.

And then I stood in front of the Emperor himself, and his father. The Emperor's eyes were unreadable, as they flicked up and down my short frame. He seemed relaxed, holding his wine calmly.

His father wasted no time. 

"Guards!" He yelled. The Emperor said nothing.

I paid no attention. "Imperator Augustus, I wish to speak with you." I stared right at him as I spoke, getting my first look at him up close.

He was tall, taller than most men in the garden. The curve of smooth muscle across his arms was hinted at in the dark lighting, and he stood straight, making him seem imposing and savage. The shadows highlighted the hollows of his cheeks, and the strength of his cheekbones and jaw. A hint of a beard was growing, but it only emphasized the black of his hair, which was pulled back from his forehead, though a few strands fell rebelliously over his eyes. His eyes were dark, so dark they seemed to pierce right through me. His nose was straight and strong, over curved, full lips. I swallowed.

I felt myself begin to shake, as, for the first time since four hours earlier at the fight, I began really think about what I was doing. This was a bad idea. A really, really bad idea. I should be tortured and killed for even getting this close to him. What had made me think this was a good idea?

Hands clamped tightly across my arms, as the Emperor's personal Praetorian Guardsmen captured me. I was yanked backward, and my arms were pulled roughly behind my back by two men. Stumbling, the world spun a little, as a result from my head injury from earlier. "What shall we do with her, Imperator?" The one on my right asked the Emperor.

The Roman Emperor's eyes raked over my body freely. "Send her to my chambers." He smirked. Laughter sounded from the congregation of people behind us, clearly catching his intentions. My stomach sunk. I wasn't going to be killed, but maybe this was worse. The guards, grinning themselves, pulled me back. As they did so, one of the men's hands landed on my upper arm, and I cried out in pain. Although I had seen a doctor, and it was wrapped under layers of cloth, the puncture wound I had acquired at the arena was going to take weeks to mend. Tears rushed to my eyes as I was pushed back the way I came, to the Imperial Palace, and the Emperor's bedchambers.

"Gladiatrix slut." A woman hissed as I passed. A fat glob of spit landed on my clothes, and I pressed my tongue to the top of my mouth. The others laughed. Nails raked over my arms as I passed through the pressing crowd, and a stray foot slammed into my calf, causing me to fall and scrape my knees on the ground. I was yanked up by the guards, red hot pain radiating from my shoulder, and pushed forward again.

I tried to control my breathing - and my panic - as I was shoved closer and closer to the Imperial Palace.


Double update in one day! I'm on a roll! 

Remember to vote and comment!

Also, random Ancient Roman fact, the sweat of Gladiators was supposed to be good for the skin, and was even rumored to be an aphrodisiac. So... yeah. Kinda weird.


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