Am I enough?- A Perri Kiely Story - Chapter 2<3

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*Jordan's P.O.V*

"Hi boys! Where's Ash?" I asked throwing my bags down.

"Take a guess, he's in the cave!" Warren said gesturing a nod with his head towards the upstairs area where Ash spends most of his time. As I ran up the stairs of the studio I saw Ash slaving over his Apple Mac, looking stressed and drinking his 12th coffee of the day. "Hey Ash, still working on that music?" I say sitting down on his unmade sofa bed. He looked up looking surprised to see me, to be perfectly honest i was surprised that he was alive with the lack of sleep he has had. "Oh.. Hi Jordan, yeah.. it's driving me crazy and the guest dancer is late and I'm freaking out and I'm out of coffee." said Ash, propping his head on his left hand and scavenging through piles of empty Starbucks cups looking for one that has any form of remaining coffee in it. Before I could say anything Perri ran up the stairs with his afro hair bouncing with every step. 

"Hey Ash, what's after the second back-tuck with the 3rd count of 8?" Pel said leaning on Ash's desk with his phone in hand. Ash rubbed his eyes and finally said, "Ermm.. The house sequence with Warren and Ike at the front." Perri nodded and turned around a ran down the stairs with his afro following every move he made with perfect timing. It was only when I turned back around to face Ash's desk that I realized he had left his iphone. "Pel, your phone!" I shouted as he left the room trough the main exit as his mum was taking him to his aunt's house for the weekend. I put the phone in my pocket and forgot about it to carry on practicing. 

It was still in my pocket when I got home. Me and Skye were sitting on the sofa watching Ultimate Block Party, when suddenly his phone flashed. It was a text from Mitch. "I know you like her and i know she likes you so stop being such a baby and ask her out!" the text read. Ask who out, Perri hasn't been seeing anyone has he? I thought to myself who it could be, I racked my brain for all the girls me and Perri knew but non of them seemed right.. I knew it was wrong but the suspense was killing me, I wrote back...

"Sorry Mitch, who are we talking about again?" As my thumb hovered over the send button I suddenly came back down to reality to think- Perri is my best mate, how could I do this to him? But I wonder.. Oops.. absent mindfully I pressed send. A hot flourish flowed through my body like fire and ice burning in my mind. Why!? 

I got a.. ermm.. I mean.. 'Perri' got a pretty much instant reply from Mitch..

The text read...


Who do you think Perri likes?

Comment down bellow what you think of this part? Any questions or comments are welcome and I will update again either tonight or tomorrow evening:) Much love! Peace, Love and Rubber Gloves<3 - Skye'Celeste<3

Am I enough?- A Perri Kiely Story - Intro&lt;3Where stories live. Discover now