Castiel x Reader ~ Guardian Angel

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Summary: Castiel is protective and clingy over the reader after her near death.
Word count: 2000ish. pure fluff.

Waking up you look around surprised to find yourself in your bed. Last thing you knew you were... your mind struggled to remember exactly what you were doing.
'You're awake. I was beginning to worry it didn't work.'
'Cas?' you frowned.
Cas came over and adjusted your pillows, pulling your blanket up to your neck. The panic that set in as something tightened around it was horrible. You pulled it straight down and took a breath.
Castiel sat down next to you and wrapped his arms around you. This you couldn't complain about it. You quite liked cuddling with him. But you needed answers and the angel was avoiding giving them.
'Cas, what's going on?'
'I'm just so glad your ok. You're safe now.'
'Ah-huh, sure. And why wasn't I safe before?'
'You really shouldn't be hunting with your brother's Y/N, it's dangerous.'
'Wait? What? Ohhhh...'
Memories of last night's hunt came back. The ghost you were hunting threw multiple knives in your direction, you dodged all but one. That got you just under your heart.
'Y/N?' Sam sighed with relief from the door. 'I'm so sorry,' he said, the guilt in his voice evident.
'Don't be, it wasn't your fault. Dean's not giving you grief is he?'
Sam shook his head. The expression on his face said it all. Both boys were blaming themselves. Dean for not torching the body in time, Sam for not distracting the spirit. Sam went to hug you when Castiel stopped him.
'You might hurt her. She needs to rest.'
'Cas it's fine, I think I can hug my sister without causing too much pain.'
You tried not to laugh at the exchange.
'Wait till he tells Dean he can't hug me,' you smirk.
Sam's eyes lightened up at and you watch as he turned his head.
'Dean, she's awake,' he called.
Dean come tearing through the door, faster than you had ever seen him move. You watched as he reached your side of the bed and leant down. The next thing you knew he was thrown backwards.
'Cas, what the hell?!'
'You might hurt her.'
You watched as Dean eyed the angel off.
'You do understand that while you may be dating her, she is my sister and I will still kill you if you cause any issues there.'
'She doesn't need anymore injuries Dean. Her life is too fragile. If you love her, you would realise that.'
'If I love her,' Dean seethed.
'Cas, it's ok. They won't hurt me and I'm feeling fine, which I'm assuming it all down to you, thank you by the way.'
'They might break something. I've seen how tight they hug you when they are frightened or relieved.'
'Yeah, now imagine how hard they will hit you if you try and stop them.'
Cas frowned and you gave him your award winning smile. You watched as his baby blues softened.
Dean came up and gave you an exaggeratedly soft hug, causing you to snort softly.
'OW!,' you cried up, winking at Sam watching him stifle a laugh.
Dean jumped back, panicked at first. Before his expression changed. You'd just woken up and he was already done with your shit for the day.
'I told you!' Cas growled. 'Are you ok? What did he hurt? Do you need me to hurt him? I can inflict all sorts of pain. Do you need me to heal anything?' he rambled, trying to check you over.
'She's fine Cas,' Dean grumbled. 'She's just being a bitch as normal. Seriously Y/N, I thought I hurt you.'
You smirked at him, before flashing him a huge grin, 'Sorry.'
'No you're not.'
'It sounded good.'
Dean pulled a face. 'You're good though?'
'Great, we have a hunt and need to head off. Can I assume the boyfriend,' he screwed up his nose, 'will take care of you while we are gone?'
'I wouldn't be anywhere else,' Cas commented, still trying to check you over.
Your brothers left, leaving you to relax back into Cas' arms.
'I'm hungry. Do you want some pancakes or something?'
'You shouldn't be moving around,' Cas warned.
'Is there something I don't know about going on with me?'
'No, you went through a physically traumatic experience and you need to rest.'
You shifted so you were sitting in his lap and smiled at him.
'I am perfectly fine. I have an amazing boyfriend who patched me up pretty well,' you commented, kissing him, 'and now I'm hungry,' you kissed him again.
You felt Cas' hands rest on your sides briefly before dropping to the bed. Sighing you got up and headed for the kitchen. Tripping and stumbling on some shoes down by your bed. Cas caught you in a state of panic.
'I'm fine. Calm down.'
You throw the ingredients into the Kenwood and let the mixer do it's thing, while you heated up the frying pan. You could feel Cas' eyes on you watching intently. Not watching you like he normally did, watching what you did.
'Maybe I should cook?' Cas suggested.
'I've had your cooking, and no offence baby, but I'd rather go hungry.'
'The frying pan is hot.'
'Funny that, given it's designed to cook things using heat.'
Cas came over and took the egg flip from your hand.
'Please let me do it.'
Groaning you handed it to him and moved to make a coffee.
After burnt pancakes and iced coffee because all of a sudden the kettle wasn't working. You decided to head into town.
'You're driving?'
'Yes. It's how one gets around.'
'I can take you.'
'I don't like Angel transport, it makes me feel sick,' you admit.
'Sick is better than driving.'
'Not where I'm coming from.'
'It will be quicker, then we can rest and watch Netflix,' Cas pleaded.
You rolled your eyes and agreed, grabbing the essentials and some lemonade for your stomach. You were surprised to find Cas ensuring that he had contact with you the whole time. If he wasn't holding your hand, his hand was on your back or around your waist. Even once you got back to the bunker, he did his best to stay in contact. It wasn't the easiest way to put groceries away but you managed.
He crashed out with you on the sofa, keeping in contact the whole time.
For the next two days Cas refused to let you do anything. He panicked that you might slip in the shower, so you had to bath instead. Then he panicked you might drown so he had you sing the whole time or he'd sit in there and watch, which despite your comments he didn't realise was just creepy. He wouldn't let you cook as you could burn yourself, driving you could get hurt. He even refused to let you walk anywhere alone in case you tripped and fell. He wouldn't leave you side, constantly holding you, touching you, cuddling you.
By the end of the third day you were about ready to loose it. You loved him, there was no doubt in that. But you loved that he wasn't a clingy person. Until now. You managed to send him on an errand to pick up pizza, after a disagreement over it being bad for your health. When you called Dean.
'Tell me you need my help, please!'
'What? Y/N? What's going on? We're fine.'
'Oh my God Dean he won't leave me alone. I broke a nail and I swear he tried to take me to the hospital. He even tried to watch me pee in case I fell over as I was standing back up.'
You listened to Dean's reaction.
'Shut up you dick, it's not funny.'
'Yeah, yeah it is. Have fun with that. I gotta go, hunt a vampire, drink alone at a bar, drive at high speeds.'
'You know he tossed all the junk food in the bunker cos it bad for my health and replaced it with rabbit food.'
'Son of a bitch! Damnit Sammy we need to get back to the bunker soon or call Cas,' you listened as the phone left his ear. 'Cas! Cas! Get the hell down here.'
'Why is Dean calling me?' Cas said from behind you, taking your hand.
'That's not pizza Cas, that's a salad,' you sulked.
'Put him on now. Who the hell does he think he is?' Dean growled.
'Explain you need me and I will.'
'Damnit Y/N this isn't a joke.'
'No it's not.'
'I do not understand what is happening?' Cas frowned.
You handed Dean your phone and listened as he blew hell out of Cas for getting rid of the junk food. You then listened as Cas lectured him on the consequences of bad food and how your life was worth more than some pie or burger.
You frowned at Cas as he spoke. Something wasn't right. Eventually he handed back your phone, Dean still yelling through the speaker.
'It's me, I think you offended the angel.'
'I don't care, I want my pie back and my burgers. I was looking forward to it. Y/N he's your damn boyfriend, fix this now!'
You sighed and hung up. Pulling Cas to the sofa you pulled him down with you.
'What's going on?'
'I do not-.'
Cas looked at you, his normally expressionless face full of worry and fear.
'You almost died. If I hadn't of... You wouldn't be here.'
'No, I wouldn't be. But that's part of the job. It's a risk I'm willing to take.'
'But I'm not.'
'Cas honey, it's not your life. And this is more than just a near miss on a hunt.'
'Your life, it's so fragile. More than you realise and you are so reckless with it.'
'By doing everyday things?'
'Yes. Humans, you do not think you just go about your day, never considering the consequences.'
'Cas, I could die at any moment. Walking to bed, in my sleep, hunting. When my time is up it's up.'
'I'm trying to prolong it. I even keep my eyes on you while you sleep, to prevent that.'
'That's not half as creepy as the rest,' you muttered. 'You need to back off and let me do my thing or it's going to cause issues. I've tried so hard not to loose my temper over this but you it's annoying the hell out of me.'
'I can't let anything happen to you,' he said quietly.
'Don't make me send you away, please.'
Cas looked up at you and you could see him trying to figure things out. Work through the human side of this vs the angel side.
'I'm a big girl Cas, I can take care of myself.'
'I still need to take care of you Y/N, I don't have a choice in it. My feelings don't allow it. I was ready to kill myself when I thought you had died. If I couldn't bring you back, I was going to. Now I just need to have you close, to know you are safe. I can't be apart from you in case something happens. I feel calmer when I am touching you.'
You smiled at the angel, reading between the lines. Knowing how hard it was for him to grasp and translate human emotions.
'I love you too.'
You watched as he processed what you said and a smile appeared on his face.
'I love you don't I?'
'I don't know do you?'
He pulled you in closer and kissed you, all annoyance being forgotten. Instincts taking over as he moved his lips down your neck.
'You need to stop worrying and trying to protect me,' you mumbled as his lips hit your collarbone.
'Your family has a reputation of dying. I'm not going to let you follow your brother's footsteps.'
You smiled at your boyfriend, before kissing him deeply.
'We will talk about it later. We will discuss boundaries.'
'I do not understand, is this to do with personal space? Do I need to stop? I'm enjoying how this feels?'
'Yes and no. Don't stop. We will talk later.'
Cas nodded and let out a soft moan as your hands explored his body. Tomorrow you would talk to him, tomorrow you would be back hunting. Even if it was with the angel by your side.

(full credit to tumblr)

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