Castiel x Reader ~ Jealousy

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Summary: You go to a bar and Castiel tags along. pure fluff.
Word count: 1220ish :)

"Guys let's go out!" You begged. You, Sam, Dean, and Cas were all sitting in the bunker living room, watching whatever shitty sitcom Dean had put on. You were laying on the couch upside down, with your head hanging off and your feet in the air. Cas sat next to you, and you'd occasionally accidentally hit him with your legs. But he never complained. Sam was sitting next to Cas, and Dean sat on his own chair.
"Now?" Dean demanded. "The show's just getting good!"
"Sorry, Y/N. I don't really feel like going out." Sam said, offering you an apologetic smile.
"I'll go with you!" A new voice exclaimed, and you saw Gabriel had just appeared in the room.
"Really?" You asked. Gabriel was never rude to you, but you knew he was the Trickster, and must have had an alternate motive for taking you out.
"Yeah!" He confirmed.
"Alright." You said, shrugging. "Just let me get a jacket." You flipped off the couch and almost landed on your butt, but Cas quickly grabbed your hand and steadied you.
"I'll come too." Cas said, then stood up.
"Awesome!" You exclaimed, then remembered to act cool. You quickly went to your room, and grabbed your jacket, then joined the boys in the living room.
"Shall we?" Gabriel asked, holding his arm out to you.
You rolled your eyes, but took his arm. You didn't notice how Cas balled his hands into fists and bit his tongue to stop from attacking his brother. But Sam and Dean did.
You and Gabriel left first, leaving Cas with the Winchesters for only a moment. "Don't kill him." Dean suggested.
Cas twirled his head towards Dean and his eyes widened. "Why would I-"
"You obviously like her. Gabriel's probably just trying to get under your skin." Sam explained. Cas nodded and took a deep breath before disappearing.
You and Gabriel had already found a spot at the bar. You made sure to save a spot next to you for Cas, and he shortly joined you. "What are you going to get?" Cas asked, leaning towards you so you could hear him over everybody else at the bar.
"I don't-" You started.
"Don't worry about it. I'll order you something great." Gabriel interrupted, resting a hand on your arm.
Castiel bit the inside of his cheek and actually drew blood, in order to stop from attacking Gabriel. You nodded at the archangel, then looked back at your angel. "What are you gonna get?" You asked him.
"I don't know. What do you recommend?" Cas questioned.
"Just get whatever's on tap." You suggested.
As you were talking to Cas, Gabriel ordered your drink, and it was soon placed in front of you. The drink was a bright pink and you hesitantly took a sip. It was over powered with alcohol and had a slightly fruity taste. You quickly sat up with a sour expression. "What the Hell is that?" You demanded, eyes watering.
"It's a drink of my own invention." Gabriel said, smirking. "I call it The Initiator."
"What does it initiate?" You reluctantly asked.
In reply, Gabriel winked at you and you roled your eyes. "That's not funny." Cas spoke up.
Gabriel looked at his brother, eyebrows raised. "But it works." Gabriel retorted. Castiel then disappeared and reappeared next to Gabriel. Cas grabbed Gabe's arm, then took him away, leaving you alone.
Castiel had taken Gabriel just outside the bar, and pushed him up against a wall. "Stop. Flirting. With. Y/N." Cas growled.
"Why? Is she yours?" Gabriel replied cooly.
"She's nobodies." Cas retorted, holding Gabriel against the wall with his forearm.
"And that's the problem, isn't it?" Gabriel asked. "You want her."
"I just want you to stop hitting on her." Cas said.
"Fine. Fine. I just wanted to see how far i could go, anyway." Gabriel shrugged.
Castiel frowned at his brother, and might even have punched him, had Gabriel not disappeared. Cas sighed and stood alone for a moment, calming himself down before going back to you.
A new man had taken a seat next to you, and was talking you up. Cas quickly moved to your side and tapped your shoulder. You turned away from the stranger and smiled at him, and he could have melted right there. "Where's Gabriel?" You asked.
"He had to go." Cas answered, shrugging.
"That sucks." You commented, not meaning it at all.
"Hey, Y/N, here's that drink I was telling you about." The stranger next to you, who you knew as Mike, said.
You took the drink and took a hesitant sip. It was sweet and you couldn't even taste the alcohol. "That's good!" You exclaimed.
You turned to Cas, who was playing with his shirt sleeve. "Cas, try this!" You ordered, holding the drink to him. Cas took the straw and sipped the drink. "Well?" You pressed.
"It's good." He said halfheartedly.
You turned to Mike and offered him a small smile. "Thanks for showing it to me." You said, then turned fully so you were facing Cas.
Mike sat for a moment, waiting for you to look at him, but once it was clear you weren't going to, he left. Cas tried not to smile too widely as you focused on him and only him.
A few other guys came up to you, and tried starting a conversation, but everybody could all see that Cas had your attention. Well, everybody but Cas, or course.
Cas tried not to show his annoyance every time somebody talked to you. Didn't all these people know it was never going to work? He'd taken to squeezing his hands under the bar to stop from attacking anybody who talked to you. He even watched the women near you closely. Cas knew he was being irrational, but he just couldn't help it. He loved you, and just wanted you to be his.
"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" The fifth guy of the night asked, interrupting your and Cas' conversation. He'd placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention, and Cas just lost it.
"No. She doesn't." He answered for you.
"Who the Hell are you?" The guy demanded.
"Her boyfriend. And you're hand is on my girlfriend." Cas retorted.
The guy took a step back, moving his hand from you. "Geez, sorry dude." He muttered, then walked away.
"Cas, what the Hell was that?" you asked the angel.
Cas stared at the floor in shame and embarrassment. "I'm sorry." He mumbled. "It's just... All these guys come up and try to be with you, and it just makes me angry. I want to be with you. I love you. Not these men who only want you for a night."
Cas was still staring at the ground, and didn't see the smile that spread over your face. You grabbed his hand and he slowly connected his eyes with yours. "You should have said something." You said, then leaned towards Cas and pressed your lips to his. "Because I feel the same way." You finished, pulling away. Cas sighed in relief and rested his forehead against yours. "But this means you can't kill anybody that tries to flirt with me."
"Not even a little?" He whined.
"Not unless I say so." You compromised. Cas nodded in agreement, and kissed you again. Hopefully he'd be doing a lot more of that.

(full credit to tumblr)

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