Chaos Among the Peace

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Robin was curled up next to his parents in the sleeping room after they finished eating. He had a full stomach, and he was ready to fall asleep.

I can't wait to go fishing tomorrow! 

He closed his eyes, and he could feel the sleep tugging at his consciousness.

Muffled voices woke him just as daylight was breaking, and he could see the fear filled eyes of his parents through the dim light. They watched the entrance of the den, waiting to see if the voices above would remove the rock and reveal their home. A loud thudding sound resonated throughout the den as something large hit the rock. Just as Robin could see the earth falling around the rock guarding the entrance, his mother pushed him under the mound of animal skin blankets.

"Stay here, and stay still," she whispered. "We may be in danger, but as long as you stay under here and don't let them know you're here, you will be safe. No matter what you hear, don't get up until you know they are gone."

Robin shrunk farther down into the blankets, shaking and afraid of what might happen. By the way his mother sounded, this wasn't going to end well. He could hear what was going on just outside of his hiding place, and he could tell that whoever was attacking them was making more progress on the door. Robin wriggled in the blankets until he made a gap in them that he could look through, but still not be seen.

He heard his mother yelp as the rock was brought down, and two giant red hands pushed their way into the den. One hand grabbed his father by the neck of his shirt as he bit onto the other hand. Robin watched as his father was pulled up and out of the den, and his mother launched herself outside to fight. He couldn't see them anymore, but he could tell that they were struggling to get rid of the source of the hands, and probably the hand's comrades as well.

His mother started to howl in pain after Robin heard a loud cracking sound, and she fell silent after a few seconds. He could hear his father yelling in anguish and the red hands hollering back at him, but Robin couldn't make out what they were saying. His father must've launched himself at the attackers, as Robin could hear their weapons crackling and snapping on the ground above him. His father let out a quiet whimper as something hit him, and a soft thud followed as his father's body hit the ground.

The red hands were talking among themselves above him, and they started to rip up the earth above his den. Robin held his breath as they got closer to the ground just above him. A few of them dropped into the shallow hole they just exposed and started rummaging through the items they found. They took anything of value that they found, and Robin could tell that they were getting closer to the animal skins that he was hiding under.

Robin suddenly burst out from under the skins and took off running. Catching the strangers by surprise, he had given himself a few extra seconds to run before they pursued him. A few of the people behind him started to shout, and the last one in front of him swooped down a massive hand, trying to catch the fleeing Cinder. He jumped away from the hand and passed by the bodies of his parents, tears streaming from his eyes as he went.

He could hear their footsteps behind him, and he tried his best to quicken his pace, but his short, young legs couldn't keep pace with the fully grown red people. Robin saw a hollow, cylindrical object fly past him just as one landed on his waist. He howled in pain as the object locked around his stomach and started to shock him, and he fell to the ground, rolling as he didn't have the time or energy to stop himself.

Landing on his back, he saw three giant figures looming over him. Panting and whimpering in pain, he tried to roll over, but one of the red people put a foot on his chest to stop him. The seemingly female giant pulled out some kind of device-Robin had no idea what it was, but it had a big screen on it with a lot of buttons. A long antenna protruded from the top of it, and she pointed it at him. A few seconds later, it beeped and pulled something up on its screen. It was able to talk, but in was in a strange and robotic kind of voice:

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