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I rub my fingers under neath the bathroom mirror. I can hear mark banging on the door next to me. I ignore him and grab my blade from under the mirror. (It was put there by tape).

I twiddle the blade with my fingers as I slide down the door. I hear Mark cursing in the background but my thoughts are louder than he is. I pull my sleeve down and look at my old scars. Each scar has its own story but there is so many I can't remember but the bigger, deeper ones. I remember every detail. They hurt but in a good way. It released my stress and I felt alive knowing that I could be dead.

I've never really thought of commuting suicide. Maybe once or twice. But I'd never attempt to do so. I would scared and I would know that I would regret it.

I wanted to remember this scar. It was important. Mark hit me. HIT. Me. Slapped me across the face. I've never been treated by a guy like this other than my father. Anyone who acted like my father was someone that I feared. I fear Mark.

I stand up and walk towards the mirror. I tilt my head to the side and through my hair up into a messy bun. I touch my neck then look at the razor. I look back up to the mirror and raise the blade to my neck. I slide it across the side of my neck and watch the blood start to appear. I do it again and again. This is now my third time and I'm starting to get dizzy.

The door breaks open and Mark is standing there in fear. He sees the blood and catches me as I fall. I then black out.

I can only hear muffled voices and being moved around. I'm currently laying in a type of bed. Down one lifts my arm up and I suddenly feel wires connected to me. The room is quiet. Its been about 15 minutes in here at least.

My eyes slowly reopen and it takes me a few seconds to adjust. I look around and find myself in a hospital bed. No one is in the room but I can hear plenty of people outside of my doors. I can hear one sobs, cries, laughing, talking, yelling, in a bunch of different voices. I slowly sit up and look at the IVs. My neck is now patched up with some band aids but it still hurts. I take a heavy breathe and uncover myself with the blanket that was on me.

A nurse opens the door and slowly heads towards me.

"Oh sweetie, don't get out of bed, you still need to rest." The nurse says calmly handing me a glass of water.

"Have some water. Maybe you'll feel a little better." I accept her offer and take a sip of the water that was handed to me.

"Can I please go home? I promise I'll rest. I just get bad anxiety when. Well in a hospital. It's kind of confusing, but like I was saying can I please go? I won't hurt myself anymore. I promise. Like really promise. I just guess I forgot to take my antidepressants." I tell her placing down the water on the bed stand.

"Well, I guess you have been here for a whole day and night. So, you can, I guess. But get some rest! It's very important. And take your antidepressants when you get home!" She told me as I felt relief leave my body.

As I left the room I asked a lady what hospital we were because of the note I had to right down. It must mean something. Right?

"Excuse me? Hi, um do you happen to know what hospital this is?"

"Uh yea, it's the L.A hospital. You know the one on route 60." She said.

"Ok thanks so much!" I tell her as I walk downstairs to the front doors. As I start to head out the doors, I meet a familiar face. One with hazel eyes and a sweet smile to greet me.

"It's nice to see you again."

Wanted to make this chapter long for you! You've gotta know who it is?! It will all be explained in the next chapter! I promise!

Word count=730

Qotd=Who's your favorite superhero? Mines batman!

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