Chapter 2: Riku? Is That You?!

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*Riku's POV*

"Your eyes... They're... They're blood red!" Nathan exclaims,

"Riku...! Riku, what happened to you?! Why is...? What is...?" His voice catches in his throat, and he has no idea why his Pokemon has just turned into a freak. Frankly, I can't remember the reason for my sudden transformation, either, but I had always tried to keep it secret from Nathan. I didn't think that he would understand why this happens to me- even I don't know the reason, myself- and, based on his reaction, he's as flabbergasted as I was when I first saw my reflectionlike this.

N looks at me with concern and tentatively holds his hand out to me, like he wants me to sniff it or something, but I quickly push it away.

"Please, don't be alarmed! I'm still here! I'm still Riku! Here, I'll prove it!" I try to convey to torrent of emotions welling up inside me to the man. He ruffles a hand through his green hair, and I turn my attention to the open window.

Maxwell... I know that you're out there, somewhere. The only name that I can remember besides my own- if anyone can help Nathan and the others now, it's you!

"I'll be back as quick as I can!" I call to Nathan, leaping into the air and propelling myself towards the opening. I quickly grab and pull myself over the edge, turning to Nathan one last time.

"I'm going to go get help! Promise!" I shout so that he can hear me from so far away.

Nathan looks at me and attempts to jump up to bring me back, but, as I continue to convince him, he soon just stops and stares as the floor, slowly nodding. N stands up and places his hand on Nathan's shoulder.

"Have some faith in your Pokemon, Nathan," N tells him,

"You place so much trust in Voltflare- you two are inseparable! What's to say that you and Riku are any different?!"

"... ... ..." Nathan is clearly lost in thought.

"... You're right, N. You're right," he says simply. Turning back to me, he shouts,

"Go, Riku, and find help! We'll hold down the fort here! Our lives are in your paws, little guy! Good luck!"

I bid him farewell and leap out of the window into the outside air.

The night is just as pretty as it's always been: stars dance across the sky, while the moon beautifully illuminates the world around me like nature's personal spotlight.

"Pelipper!" a Pokemon from above me cries. I look up just long enough to catch a glimpse of the blue, large-billed pelican Pokemon slowly float across the sky. Where it's going, I have no idea, but I have a feeling it has a purpose for being out this late at night.

I do, too, and it's to find Maxwell! But where would the first place to look be...

Without warning, my gut begins to feel extremely heavy, like my insides are coated with rock-hard lead, and I start losing altitude.

Something... Urgh! I struggle against the invisible force weighing me down,

Something's trying to crash me into the ground!

"Little Shaymin, are you lost?!" a terribly ominous voice whispers into my ear. I look around in surprise. By the voice's intensity, the speaker is right up next to my ear, but I can't see anything.

Where... Where's that voice coming from?!

I'm on the verge of panic, so I cry out,

"Show yourself! Just tell me who you are!"

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