Chapter 1

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There isn't nearly enough Winn fanfiction out there, so here is my contribution! The story is better than my summary makes it out to be, I swear! So yeah, I wrote this a long time ago, right before Episode 11 aired. This doesn't really use the events of Episode 11, save for one part of Episode 11 that will be used later in the story since it was teased at before the episode aired and I thought it would add to the impact of the story. I hope you like it! Here's Chapter 1 of 5! Enjoy! Oh yeah, and you might get a lot of feels from this story. A lot.

Update 11/4/16-I feel like I should notify anyone reading this that I no longer watch Supergirl because I was watching too many shows and I decided to only keep one, which, sadly, was not Supergirl. I'm still keeping this story up, though! Personally, I'm not sure if I like it anymore, but it seems like other people still like it. This isn't going to affect anything regarding this story, but I still thought you should know.

     Winn Schott hated few things more than toy stores. "Aren't toy stores supposed to be places of happiness and joy?" you may ask. In most cases, you'd be right. However, Winn had a bad past with toys. Winslow Schott Jr. was the son of a murderous maniac whose weapons were all toys with a lethal twist. Winn was ashamed of his origins. His closest family member, the person who Winn was named after, turned out to be a dangerously insane man, and it was difficult to live with. So yeah, toy stores weren't the favorite place of Winn Schott.
​     Why, then, was he walking through a toy store after dark, lit only by eerie moonlight? The place was enormous; it stretched so far that no walls could be seen. It was infinite. Miles and miles of toys stocked in neat rows on shelves continued on forever on all four sides of him and above him. One could easily get lost in the labyrinth of aisles. The moonlight and the darkness of the store didn't balance or blend very well. Splotches of light seemed to stain the inky darkness that Winn walked through. He could make out the images of stuffed animals, yo-yos, and toy trains as he continued forward through the nightmarish setting. Suddenly, a voice penetrated the ominous silence.
​They say that the first thing you forget about a person after being apart for a long time is their voice. If only that were true for Winn. His father's voice haunted him constantly. It would come at random points throughout the day, and if he were at work, he'd have to pretend like he was okay. Try not to flinch or cringe. Perhaps crack a joke to escape his fear. Night, though, was the worst. If he couldn't wake himself up from a dream, what power did Winn have to stop his father from infiltrating his mind? The voice of Winslow Schott Sr. was always there. That's why Winn immediately knew who was tormenting him when he heard an unembodied voice say,
     "Hello, Winn. It's been a while." A chill went up his spine. Winn stopped walking through the aisles of toys.
     "No, it hasn't. You just haunted my dreams last week, and I saw you in person a few days ago. Get a calendar," Winn murmured.
     "Making jokes to hide your fear. How...childish. I like it," the voice said. Winn gripped the nearest shelf.
     "What do you want with me tonight?" Winn asked through clenched teeth.
     "Ah, getting right to the point. See that man behind you?" Winn turned around, and, sure enough, there was a figure in the distance, covered by shadow. Winn couldn't make out his face, but someone was there.
     "Yes," he replied warily.
     "Kill him." His father's voice said. Winn tensed.
     "No," he slightly shook his head, "no, I won't. Unlike you, I'm not a killer. I don't even have a reason! But if I did, I still wouldn't kill him."
     "We'll see about that," the voice said. Suddenly, the figure flashed forward, appearing a few feet away from Winn. The man's face looked like none other than his father's. Winn gasped as the man turned away to browse the aisles of toys. "I have done so much to hurt you. I ruined your life, and at such a young age," the voice said temptingly, growing louder.
     "Stop," Winn pleaded.
     "Don't you have the desire to kill?" The voice asked, shouting.
     "No!" Winn screamed in reply.
     "Are you sure?" The voice queried, lowering to its normal volume. Winn opened his mouth to answer, but he found that he...wasn't sure. Did he want to kill? His mind defaulted to 'of course not!', but his life was in ruins because of his father, especially after recent events which included his father breaking out of jail, potentially harming the woman he loved, kidnapping him, and forcing him to murder someone. Maybe he did want to kill. "Look, there's a weapon right over there. The man's back is even turned. This is your moment, Winn. Kill him!" The voice prodded maliciously.
     Winn felt like he wasn't controlling himself during the events that happened next. First, he saw a splotch of color suddenly appear in the irregular darkness. It was a gun. It appeared to be just a toy gun made of orange, blue, and red plastic that would shoot foam darts, but Winn knew that it was lethal. Next, he found himself walking over to the gun and picking it up. He aimed. He shot. He killed. It was done. Only then did Winn regain his control over himself. "No, no," he muttered. Winn looked at the man lying dead on the white linoleum floor, then to his murderous hands, then up at the unending rows of toys. He wore a terrified expression.
     "You've done it." the voice said darkly, a low chuckle echoing through the building.
     Winn woke up with a start and shot straight up to a sitting position, breathing heavily. His sheets clung to his body with cold sweat. He hadn't had a nightmare of that scope in a while. Winn put his face in his hands, breathing shakily. It wasn't real. It wasn't real. It wasn't real, he repeated in his head. He ran his hands down his face before catching a glimpse at the clock. It read 6:21. His alarm would go off at any minute. It was time to get up and start another grueling day. Winn had to go be the quippy, happy-go-lucky IT guy. Today, though, he wasn't sure how well he'd be able to put on that happy-go-lucky act.

So there's chapter 1! Hope it wasn't too confusing. I'll have Chapter 2 up soon!

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