E! And strange sounds

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^Kaylia's POV^

I entered the house and flung my bag on the couch along with myself and pull out the TV remote from my secret hiding place which is not I between the couch cushions. After watching E! I reluctantly got up and took out my Biology homework. Adults have the easy life.

After about an hour I was finally done with my homework which took a heck of a long time to do and went upstairs to have a bath. I washed my body with strawberry scented body wash and vanilla shampoo. I came out of the warm relaxing shower after thirty minutes and a towel around my body and one around my wet ombré hair.

I plugged in my blow drier and when my hair was dry enough I put it into a high ponytail and quickly got into my hello kitty pjs. Can I get a whoop whoop? This was basically my nightly routine I checked my I Phone 6 Plus and saw that it was 9:34pm. Time for bed. I exit the bathroom and crawl into my comfy bed.

I slept peacefully until about 4:02a.m because of a small creek under my bed. Huh.... Funny I never heard that before. I thought of it as nothing and I tried to fall back asleep but soon the creek came back and this time it was followed by a voice hoarse saying 'Help me'.

I ran out of the room.

Guess I'm sleeping with mom tonight

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