Ch.6 (trouble )

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Riele's POV

"A date?" I say laughing "With Isabela?"

"That's correct." Jace said proudly.

"Yeah, ok." I say still laughing. "So where, and when, is this Date?" I say putting air quotes around Date.

"At French Faetines, at 8:00 tonight." (It's pronounced fa-teen-es, and it's not a real restaurant, btw 😂)

"Oh that's cool, it's-" I stopped talking to check my phone. "- 6:57, you might wanna go home and get ready." I put my phone in my pocket

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" He asked. I look down at his shirt, and he did too.

"Oh yeah, gotta go, take your shirt, Ella." He said and took the shirt off, and may I say... Ok, maybe I shouldn't say.

"Just burn it." Ella said, and looked like she was about to puke. I just laughed, while Jace opened the door.

"Hey Genius, going out there with no shirt?" I told Jace.

"Oh yeah, Sorry, I'm just nervous about my date."

"Right, right." Ella said.

"Hey Ri, lemme use your jacket."

"Okay, sure, which one, the one with flowers, or plain brown one?" I said, he looked at me with a stupid face.

"What? It would've went good with the pink shirt." I said, and made Ella laugh.

"Just hand me the brown one, please."

"Fine, only because you said it nicely." I said and handed him the jacket.

"Thanks, Ri!" He said and hugged me. "You're the best." and with that, he left.

"I am the best, aren't I." I say and sit on the couch.

After 20 minutes of being bored, and watching TV, I decided to go on my phone.

"Uh, Ells?"

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Where's my phone?"

"I don't know, the last time I saw it, it was your jacket pocket."

"Please tell me you mean the flower one."

"Nope." She said.

"Omg! Jace has my phone!" I CAN'T live without it!

"OMG! Your phone?! You can't live without it!"

"I know!"

"He's probably still at home." Ella told me.

"Well let's go!" I told her. I grabbed my flower jacket, she grabbed hers and we left the house.

After 10 minutes of running, also taking short breaks, we finally made it to Jace's house.

"Hey Ri." Xander said.

"Oh hey." I said, me and Ella walked in his house.

"Oh, come in, thanks for not just coming in uninvited." He said sarcastically and closed the door.

"Yeah yeah, Xander, where's Jace?"

"On his date." He said and sat on the his couch, eyes glued on the TV.

"What?! So soon?! It's only... 8:28.." I said. "28 minutes after the date starts.. But when is he ever early?!"

"Right now. He really likes this girl."

"Oh, yeah, I guess he does." I said a little sad, and sat on the couch with him and Ella.

"You okay, Ri?" He asked.

"Ye-yeah, I just.. Um..." Lie Lie LIE "Miss my phone."

"But Ri, his jacket might still be here."

"You're right! Xander, where is that jacket Jace had on?!"

"With him."


"I told him he looked good in it."

"Well of course he did! He's Jace Norman, he looks good in everything, even in that pink shirt!" I told him. "But why'd you have to say it?!"

"Because he asked."

"There's only one way to get my phone back."

"Wait until he gets back?" Ella said.

"Sure, if you wanna do it the easy way." I said "Get your coats on people! We're going to French Faetines!"

(-30 mins ago-)

"So you expect me to crawl on the dirty floor, take my coat, and crawl back? ON THE DIRTY FLOOR?"

"Okay, I guess we can wait til he come back."

"Ugh! I can't wait that long." I said getting on the floor. "I'm coming baby! I mean my phone, not Jace." I said and started crawling on the floor. It took a minute or two, but I finally made it over, woah, that Isabela girl surely dresses nicely. Ok Riele, back to getting me phone. I crawled behind Jace's seat.

"Please don't let him see me, Please don't let him see me, don't let him see me." I said to myself lowly. I slowly tugged on my jacket that was underneath.

Jace's POV

"and that's my most embarrassing moment, ever."

"Wow, that's quite embarrassing." Isabela told me.

"Yes very." I laughed, then I stopped when I felt something under my butt, and turned around. "Riele?"

Riele's POV

"Riele?" I heard Jace say.

"Riele?" I heard Isabela say. "What a surprise." She said sarcastically.

"J-Jace! Hi, wa-wassup?" I said.

"Why are you here?"

"She probably likes you like you like her." Isabela said.

"Is that many likes even allowed in one sentence?" I said trying to change the subject, which didn't work, of course.

"What?" he said and turned to Isabela. "I-I don't like Riele."

"Jace, you've talked about her the WHOLE date, and that's not normal."

"Who says normal is good?" I say, and they both turn around giving my death stares "my bad."

"Jace, its obvious you like her, just admit it, and I'll leave you alone."

Blah blah blah, was all I heard, they've been arguing for 5 minutes straight.

"First of all, I'm right here. Second, Bela girl, I don't like Jace." Lie Lie LIE "and he doesn't like me, we're just close friends, huggable friends, best fr-"

"Okay I get it!" She said, clearly annoyed.

"but we don't like each other, we hug, we laugh, but he really likes you." ( No he doesn't, not in this story at least wink wink 😉)

"You're right, Riele. I'm sorry, Jace, for thinking you liked Riele."

"It's okay." Jace said. "Why don't we start over next week."

"That'll be perfect, Jace." She said and gave him kiss on the cheek and left.

"Dude! She kissed your cheek! Ooo!" I said.

"It was nothing." Jace said blushing.

"Then why are you blushing?" I said pinching his cheeks.

"I always blush." He says.

"That is true." I say "But she kissed you! On the cheek, you know whats next."

"Our next date?" He asked clueless.

"The lips! A kiss on the lips, dumbo."

"Oh.. A kiss.. Yeah... I can do that, I've kissed many girls."

"Yeah, but have you kissed a girl you've actually liked?"

"Well... Umm.. No.."

"Well." I said and took his hand. "I have to teach you everything! Come on!"

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