Ch. 9 (new girlfriend??)

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Nine months, wooow, but im back and i have better grammar skills! i cant promise that ill update alot, but i will try, i promise.

pov | riele

Okay, Riele, chill. Stop pacing around the room like you just found out you have feelings for your best friend last night, oh wait, you did.

"Hello?" I said as I answered my phone.

"Riele? Hi! It's bela girl, remember?"

"Oh, Isabela? What uh, what do you want?"

"I am so so sorry about everything that happened at French Faetines."

"Oh no, it's fine." I lied

"Are you sure, I feel really, really-"

"Bela stop, it's fine, no need to feel bad."

"And, I'm sorry about what happened between Jace and me. I hope we can still be friends."

"Ha, no, delete my number." I said and hung up.

"Fake bi-"

"Ri, Jace and Ella are here!" My mom yelled.

"Great, Jace, just the person I wanted to see." I said sarcastically

I ran downstairs to see my two best friends.

"Hey guys, why are you here?"

"Don't you remember?" Ella asked. I shook my head.

"Today we're going to see Everything, Everything, you couldn't stop talking about the
movie trailer."

"Hey, it looked good." I say putting my shoes and jacket on.

"All I know, is that nobody better die." Jace said, and we all laughed.


"Finally we're here." Jace said as we walked up in the movie theater. The smell of popcorn filled my nose.

"Can we go play the games!" Ella asked. Classic Ella.

"Later Ells, we don't wanna miss the movie." Jace said.

"He means the previews." I whispered to Ella.

"I heard that."

"Well, great, you have ears." I said.

Jace stopped in his place.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Look." He said, I looked up and saw Isabela and the boy she cheated on Jace with.

"What- why is she here?"

"Well, you know it's a great day to go to the movies, or maybe it's because i told her i was gonna be here with my new girlfriend..."

"Jace!" me and Ella both said and punched me.

"Ow!" He said and covered both the spots. "I can't walk past them."

"Well you don't have to, cause here they come."

"Jace, Riele, Ella!"

"Isabela." We all said.

"How are you guys?"

"Oh, um, we're pretty good, going to see-"

"So Jace, where's your new girlfriend?" She said rudely interrupting me.

I felt an arm around my waist.

"You're looking at her." Jace said looking at me.

"Wait.. what?"



This is the end of this book, BUT part 2 is up now! It's called "Believer | Jaele" Read it so you can find out what happens. There will also be a re-cap of this book in the book. Ily guys, take care.

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