Hallucinations Are Reality

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I could smell the horrible air. Smoke. It's what will always get me up in the morning. It's like a routine. But I'm used to everything. I stumbled over my bed and crawled slowly on the hardwood floor that make so many creek noises. I stood up and looked in the mirror. I just looked at myself for a second thinking "ugly". I did look ugly. I am ugly. I was a girl who didn't have any friends or a boyfriend. I'm a loner. But I don't care. I brushed my hair making a face each time I pulled my hair because of a knot. I put my hair in a pony tail and walked away to my closet to get a simple grey long sleeve shirt and black leggings. I put on some boots and slammed the door behind me. "Better watch what you do young lady" David said beside me leaning on the doorway. David was my foster father. The one wo was the smoker. Right behind him was his actual daughter Violet. She was older than me. By like 3 months? She just gave me a stupid evil smirk and walked away saying "listen to dad Lucinda" then shut her door. I just rolled my eyes and went down stairs. To my right was my foster brother who I was kinda close to Jack. Jack was about 17. Way older than me. But he was always like the older brother I always wanted. To my left was his actual sister Janie. Janie was his younger sister. About 8. She was the sassy and sweet one out of us all. But Violet had the attitude. I gave a grin and waved. Janie ran to me with a little doll that was apparently her moms. "Lui Lui!" she squealed jumping up and down on my leg. I gave a smile and kneeled down. "Is Bella sick?" I whispered. Janie nodded and put the doll out at me. "Please can you fix her Dr. Lui? Janie pleaded. I nodded my head and set the doll on the table. "I'll be back in a bit" I whispered and waved goodbye. I closed the door and slowly walked into the snowy land. I took a minute to stand and get used to the cold and snow falling to the ground. I turned to my right and walked to the path I'd always follow. It would take me about 5 minutes until I could actually get to my destination so I sang a song a made when I was little.

Take my hand,close you eyes cause your not dying tonight

Take my hand and sing along

Cause we both know that you will no this from this song

I repeated those words until I got to my favorite tree. This tree wasn't like any other. It had a different type of bark and it was pretty easy to climb for me. I slowly grabbed a branch and made my way up,like I always did. I slowly laid on the branch still holding onto it. I laid there in complete silence. I just thought about my mom and dad. The question I always asked myself was "Why wasn't I good enough". I was very depressed knowing about my past and how I was a big loner. I really had no one to talk to. Even though Jack and me were close I felt like he would never understand, so I kept quite. I stared up to the sky revealing the snowing falling down about to go to the below. I grinned at seeing this. To me it was very photographic. I rolled onto my stomach hanging onto the branch. I slowly got up and stood. I kept my balance and slowly walk more upper on the branch. I suddenly saw something in the corner of my eye. It was a human. But wearing all black. I suddenly stepped on a branch to small for my weight to handle and fell.

One hand holding on for dear life I screamed in fear and tried to push myself up but just couldn't. My hand kept slipping...slipping...slipping until I couldn't take it and my hand slipped. I screamed and hit the ground. Although the ground was covered with snow the fall hurt pretty badly. The tree was high.  I grunted and with my vision being blurry I rolled around trying to see my surroundings. I soon noticed the black figure by my body. I stood at it until I fell into complete darkness.

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