Chapter 10

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Jae p.o.v

I can't believe this my father is the founder of SME, my freaken father is LEE SOO MAN!!! I was interrupted from my thoughts when he cleared his throat.

(J:Jae.EH:Eunhyuk.H:Hyoyeon.YH:Yong Hee.LSM:Lee Soo Man)

LSM: Annyeong
LSM: Well you're probably wondering why I wanted to meet you
J:Yes I am. Would you mind telling me?
LSM: Well I just wanted to see how you're going and I want you to meet my family this is Lee Hyuk Jae also known as Eunhyuk,he's your half brother he's 24 years old
J/EH/H/YH: MWO?!?!
LSM: As I was saying he's your half brother, this young lady here is your half sister. Her names Lee Eun Jae or Hyoyeon she's 21 and this woman here is my wife also your eomma,her name is Lee Yong Hee. Everyone this is Lee Soo Jae your half sister she's 19.

(I'll explain all this in Authors Note at the bottom if you're confused)

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(I'll explain all this in Authors Note at the bottom if you're confused)

I can't believe this, why? Why is this happening to me? Does this mean my mum destroyed their happy family? Does this mean all these years she's been lying to me? I can't even think that my mum would do that. My thoughts were interfered when Lee Soo Man tells us to introduce ourselves while he runs and go does some business.

EH: well no need to introduce myself I already have
H: Annyeong I'm Lee Eun Jae but you can call me Hyoyeon or unnie any is fine
J: Annyeong I'm Lee Soo Jae

After introducing ourselves we start talking and get along very well Hyoyeon unnie is very kind, smart and beautiful, while Eunhyuk oppa is handsome, talented and is also very smart. I learnt so much about them but I feel jealous of them they're all beautiful and handsome while I'm just a girl that is not pretty, I pretty much consider myself ugly. I took a glance at the woman Yong Hee and she was glaring at me, but I had no idea why. She glared at me the whole time and I was starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable, so I excused myself and Sai I had to leave Hyoyeon unnie and Eunhyuk oppa said good bye, before I left I bow ed at the woman but she just glared at me still. I quickly left the room so I didn't pay attention to where I was going and bumped into someone.

??? p.o.v

I was walking back to our practice room when someone bumped into me, we both fell down and I was on top of her. When I saw who I was on top of my heart started beating, we were in an awkward position and our faces were just a few centimeters away so one wrong move and our lips would touch. The atmosphere got even more awkward, I finally snapped back into reality and got up quickly. I helped her up, her face my was red as red as a tomato, I knew that myself was blushing too so I just turned around so she wouldn't see it, when I felt my face calmed down a little, I asked if she would like to come to the practice room since all the boys missed her, she agreed and so we walked towards the practice room in and awkward silence.

T: Hyung you're back! Oh hi Jae noona! *hugs her*
???:Yea I'm back
J:Hi guys
Exo (except Tao and ???):JAE!! * groups hug her*
K: guys c'mon back to practice

Kris hyung shouted so we all got in position and started dancing to our new song Heart Attack. After finally perfecting the dance after hours we all collapsed on the floor, all we could here was our hard breathing. Jae walked around handing water for everyone, they all drank it down in matters of seconds.

J: Guys I'm going to get you guys more water and some food so I'll be right back
???: I'll come with you
J: it's alright you stay back and rest oppa
Exo: be back in half an hour, if not we're gonna come look for you
J: Arraso oppas and maknaes *chuckles*

Jae p.o.v

Why are oppas so naggy lately? Hmm who cares, I walked into a chicken restaurant and ordered 6 boxes of chicken, the cashier looked at me as if I was crazy but I just shrugged it off and paid him. While waiting for the chicken I went into a small mart and bought a pack of bottles. Once I was done I went back to the chicken place and got the boxes, I then left and walked to EXO practice room. I had a little trouble opening the door so I tried knocking buy couldn't because my arms were full so I decided to just kick the door but gently so they know to open the door. Chen oppa opened the door and helped me out, he placed the food and water on the floor and everyone quickly just grabbed the chicken and ate. After 15 minutes 3 boxes were gone, wow they must be hungry I thought. I picked up my phone and ordered 6 boxes of pizza since I know they'll still be hungry, after I hung up on the phone, I walked over and sat next to Lay and Suho oppa. After another 15 Minutes the boys finished eating the 3 other boxes, they then started complaining about still being hungry. See what I said they're still hungry, my phone went off so I went to pick it up, the pizza was here so I told the boys I'll be right back, they just ignored me since they were to busy complaining about be hungry.

Aish these boys they sure do have a big apetite I quickly ran to the entrance, and saw the man holding 6 boxes of pizza, I paid him and carried the boxes back to the practice room. Their eyes lit up when they saw me holding pizza boxes, I place them on the floor but took a box for myself because I haven't eaten for hours. I was playing COC (Clash of Clans) on my phone when someone decided to take my phone when I was in a middle of a match. I look to to see the beagal line laughing, immediately I knew they have my phone I walked up to them demanding the for my phone back but instead they just pass it to each other in the end it was with Chanyeol. Curse you Chanyeol for your height, I kept trying to reach it but it was almost impossible. I had to pull out my secret weapon that no one can resist and when I say no one I mean it. I started doing aegyo, but what I didn't know was everyone in the room was looking at me, Chanyeol slowly started to put his hand down. When I was low enough I quickly grabbed it and stopped doing aegyo.

??? p.o.v

Wahhhhh! She was so cute doing aegyo! I don't think anyone could resist her aegyo she was just so cute, I found myself staring at her so I quickly diverted my gaze to something else. She started pouting and blaming the beagal line that she lost her game because of them.

Jae p.o.v

Aish those oppas they made me lose my game, I started pouting and blaming them for making me lose. Cause they made me lose I'm gonna stay mad at them I won't talk to them for a while month! I know I'm childish but that's just who I am.

J: I'm not talk to Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Chen oppa anymore!! *pouts*
J: Nopppppppe!
BL: JAE!! *does aegyo*
J: *Secretly takes pictures*
Exo(except BL): *laughing their ass off*
J: I said no, now I won't be talking to you guys for a month and that starts now
J: Merong! 😝

Authors Note:
Sorry guys I forgot to publish this chapter I've been busy with homework so I totally forgot about it. I have been really forgetful lately and I'm really sorry for that, hopefully you guys can forgive me.
BTW I know Lee Eun Jae isn't Hyoyeon real name but in this story that's her name, Choi Ji Woo will be acting as a mean mum while Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk are the nice siblings.
Anyway hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it's short and boring.

~Love Author-nim

Annyeong readers ☺

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