Chapter 6

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Jae p.o.v

I was locked in the empty classroom JB, Mark and Bambam locked every single window and locked the door I tried to get out but it was useless I have been stuck her for an hour but then I remembered I had my phone with me I quickly pulled it out and called D.O I waited for D.O to answer the call.

D.O p.o.v

We were in the studio practicing our singing and dancing for our new song that Jae wrote called XOXO when suddenly someone's phone rang I realised it was mine I looked at the ID it was Jae she was supposed to be in school right now why would she call me I picked up and answered

D.O: Yeoboseyo?
Jae: D.O help me please?
D.O: Jae what happened? And where are you?
Jae: I'm at school in an old classroom and I got locked up in here
D.O: MWO?!?

Everyone stared at me when I shouted

Jae: Just come help me please? They are going to come back please just come here the school is near our house
D.O: Alright wait for me ok?

I hung up grabbed my bag and ran out of the studio everyone was calling my name but I ignored them I ran to the school Jae was in, lucky it was still class time so I wouldn't have any fans around I searched around for the office I finally found it I knocked on the door

Principal: Come in

I walked inside the office and the principal eyes grew wide

Principal: Your D.O from EXO
D.O: Yes I am but may I ask where one of your old classroom is?
Principal: Yes, the room is on the 3rd floor turn right and the end class is the old classroom and could you please not let any students see you they would go crazy
D.O: Yes sir and may I please have the key to the classroom

He hands me the key I bow and walk out the office once I'm out I looked for the stairs I quickly run up the steps to the 3rd floor then I quickly crawl to the end of the room I see a door that I think is the old classroom I use the key the principal gave me and opened the door I saw Jae lying there with bruises and scars all over her arms face and legs I run over to her and call her but she doesn't wake up I realised that her head was bleeding the blood was rushing out fast I carry her bridal style outside the classroom I notice all students are out from classes. I try to get through the crowds of girl around me but it was impossible.

Sehun p.o.v

We were in the middle of practice when D.O phone goes off he pickes it up and talks to the person I realise it was Jae noona because he said her name then he shout WHAT everyone stared at him he said a few more words then hanged up he picked up his bag and ran out of the room we ran after him calling his name but wow for someone so short can run as fast as lighting. He dissapered once he turned a corner so we couldn't find him so we headed back to the studio.

D.O p.o.v

It was impossible to get through this crowd while carrying someone then I see a teacher come out I call her

Miss Jung (Teacher): Yes? OMO?!? What happened to Jae?
D.O: Miss could you please help me get out of this crowd I need to get to the hospital
D.O: Thank you very much!

I quickly get through the crowd and get outside the school I run as fast as I can to get to the hospital which is 1 hour away but I just run as quick as I can until a taxi pulled up beside me

Driver: Kid get in quick I'll take you to the hospital

I hop in and he drives top speed to the hospital while the ride to the hospital I call the manager and tell him that I was going hospital I hang up and once we reach the hospital I get out and carry Jae I forgot my wallet so I couldn't pay for the taxi

Driver: Don't worry about the money just get her inside quickly
D.O: are you sure sir?
Driver: It's fine now go quickly
D.O: Thank you soo much

I quickly run inside nurses and doctors come and help me out then they take her to the emergency room I run after them and wait after 20 minutes the manager arrives we sit there and wait for hours I started to pace around because I was getting very worried.

Lay p.o.v

It's been 2 hours and D.O is still not back I wonder what happen then our manager comes in and say we could go home early today after he says that he immediately leaves leaving us all confused because we never got to go home this early so we all walked to our van the driver took us home once we entered everyone went to their room or went shower, I went to my room and eventually fell asleep. 8 HOURS LATER I woke up tired I check the time and it's already 5 pm I go out from my room to the kitchen to look for something to eat but there was nothing I thought D.O cooked food already so I went to his and Luhan room I opened the door to only see Luhan inside it had been 8 hours where is D.O so I asked Luhan

Lay: Luhan where's D.O hasn't he come back?
Luhan: I don't know I haven't seen him since he left
Lay: He had been gone for 10 hours where would he be?
Luhan: I don't know where Jae I'm hungry shouldn't she be cooking for us at this time
Lay: Let's go check in her room

So Luhan and I were walking to her room and I notice everyone walking to her room also guess we're all hungry Tao knocked on the door but no one answered so he knocked again still no answer so Baekhyun opened the door we looked around to find the room empty we all looked at each other thinking something bad must of happened again.

Sehun: Luhan hyung where did you find Jae last time when she ran away?
Luhan: I found her at a park she said her and her best friend always go there
Suho: I know where that is let's go to see if she's there
Lay: guys wait where D.O though I haven't seen him?
Chanyeol: he is still not back yet? he's been gone for hours now
Kai: Let's worry about that later right now we have to look for Jae

We all setted off looking for Jae at the park that Luhan and Suho led to but she wasn't there we checked everywhere but still couldn't find her so I called our manager

Lay: Hello manager
Manager: Hello Lay what is it?
Lay: um Jae has gone missing
Manager: Don't worry about her she is with me
Lay: Also D.O hasn't come back to the dorm
Manager: He is also with me here right now so you guys just stay at the dorm we will come home soon I have to go now so I'll see you soon
Lay: ok

I hung up and told the boys they were less worried but we were all still hungry so we decided to eat out.

D.O p.o.v

After hours of waiting the doctor finally comes out

Doctor: Lee Soo Jae family?
Manager: Yes, I am her uncle
Doctor: Her head hit against something hard which cause alot of blood lost and she may have a small memory lost the scar and bruises aren't serious but her spine was injured very bad and she may have to be in a wheel chair for the time being but she will be able to walk again in about 5 months she would be able to leave tomorrow but before she does we have to do one final checkup for anything else we missed
Manager: Thank you Doctor may I see her
Doctor: Yes you can

The doctor left and we bowed to the doctor before rushing to Jae's room once we entered she was sleeping her face was pale and she looked lifeless I was about to call the boys but the manager stopped me

Manager: Don't call them they will start to worry and won't be able to concentrate on work you have to keep this a secret okay
D.O: yes sir
Manager: When we get back to the dorm and the boys ask where she is tell them she is sleeping at a friends house for today okay? and I will come over tomorrow to pick you up so you can help me take Jae home while the boys are practicing so stay home tomorrow also pack her clothes but pack long sleeves and pants we don't want the boys worrying about her
D.O: Yes sir

Author Note

Sorry I haven't been updating I just got too much homework but here's another chapter I will update Hidden Face maybe tonight or tomorrow any way hope you enjoyed the chapter

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