4- addiction

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Every day of my life was perfect now,  or at least I try to make it perfect.

When I met Taehyung it all changed.

He changed the saddnes in my eyes to spark of love, the pout on my lips to a smile he loved so much, the troubles and problems in my mind to all those silly thoughts and ideas every person that's in love have. He made new Jimin.

The Jimin he want me to be.

I used to believe it's love that you find once in life.

Taehyung was special, he have all the power to change the people around him, he had the strenght to fight all the bad in his life but he didn't use it.

Until I push him. He erased all the bad, well not all but he's doing great job.

"Does it hurt?" I asked while putting the cream gently on his wounds.

He winched at my touch but he shook his head.

"Is he okay? I really wish he agree to come live with us."

"He's good as long as he have me." Tae answered. "He's old enough to bring his own decisions."

"Even they might be stupid." I added but Tae agreed. His brother was an idiot.

I look at the cream and rememberd that guy from my club.

His scars, are just terrible.

I sat on the edge of our bed and Tae looked up at me when I stopped. I looked at him and shook my head.
"We need to buy you new cream. This one is empty."

"Let me see." He moved from laying possition and sat down. "It's not empty." He said and took the cream.

"No. I will buy you new one tomorrow." I protessted.

He frowned but agreed with me. It was night and he came home after saving his dumb brother from people he own money and as always he was exausted.

"Minnie, let's sleep." He yawned and pulled me down with him on the bed. "Talk until I fall asleep." He whispered and pecked my lips before he closed his eyes.

I wanted to tell him about Jungkook and how misterious he is but he will get jelaous. He'a always jelaous.

"My day was boring. People in the morning are so grumpy." I said and he giggled. "Hoseok hyung yelled at me again he is a little bit bossy."

Tae opened one eyes and looked at me. "Souuld I visit you at work and talk to him?"

"Scaring him won't help." I hit his chest playfully.

"You're no fun." He whined.

"Night baby, you're working in the morning." I said and kissed his forehead.

Tae had a job that was dangerous and I hate the fact that he love it too.

Marrying a prison security was a though dessision.


Today I sang. After long time I had a reason to sing.

I woke up and turn on the tv. When I opened my widowns the sun was shining I even heard birds singing.

I guess I needed some time to cherish my freedom again. I called my mother today and she sound like ahe was happy for me.

So back to my singing. I turn on the tv and there was this song I used to hate but today I sang and I was happy.

Next thing I need is job. And that's gonna be hard. Who's gonna get a job to ex prisoner?

An idiot maybe?

I went to that club/coffe bar again. It was 5 minutes away from my apartment so why not.

"Oh goodmoring!" I was greeted by that ass of waiter. "Black coffee as usual?" He asked.

I ignored him because I searched that  ball of happiness called Jimin. I couldn't hear his laugh or anything.

"I just remember I need to go somewhere. I will visit later." I bowed at the waiter that frowned at me like I was crazy.

Maybe I am.

Because I came here just because of Jimin. And I will come at night because I'm 100% sure he's working night shift today.

So it was 11pm and this is 5th time I walked in front of that club. Damn it can Jimin notice me already?

"Sir. Are you looking for something?" The man on the street asked me. "If you continue to walk around here people are gonna call the police."

"Police? Can't I walk on the street?" I raised my voice even I didn't want to. People are so judgemental.

"I mean. You're tattoos and clothes. It just..." the man stopped when he saw my glare.

"I'll go now. I heard enough of stupid words for today." The guy didn't said anything,  he was probably happy he sent me away.

I turn on my heel and glanced at the club only to see Jimin standing there watching me. He had a sad expression. But it soon changed when I looked at him.

I rolled my eyes when he started waving at me with huge grin on his face.

"Hey Jungkook!" He yelled and that was so cute.

I walked to him and crossed my arms . We were few meters away and he showed me to come inside.

Than he dissapeared in the crowd of already drunk and sweaty people.

"Here." He said and gave me the box.

I looked confused at the box than back at him.

"Cream, for your wrist's." He shouted and I stared at him.

Why would anyone care about me? Especially some stranger I met few times. And every time I was really rude to him.


"I hope it will help." He said and since I don't know how to react af kindness I just stand there.

"Uhm. Do you want something to drink?" Jimin offered.

"Well since you dragged me here, why not." I saw he was trying to say he didn't drag me or something  so I quickly added. "Give me something without alchocol."

He looked really surprised. It was almost funny.

"Okay. How about peach juice?" He laughed but i took the joke and agreed.

I even smiled a little bit.

But my smile dissapeared when he gave me the drink I ordered.

I noticed something I didn't saw before.

It was shiny and pretty.

And then I realized.

I was falling for married man.

Since that moment I knew my life is always gonna be fucked up.
There is always gonna be something that won't let me be happy.


I wanted to update so i did it at my job bc sjbshsbiaba I kinda love this story even it's nothing special to you. :)

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