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My host family pulls me into a hug and greet me. The family includes a mom, Lori. She is short, has blonde hair and is really pretty. Her eyes are shining. There is also a father, Steve. He is really nice to me and talked a lot, he isn't that tall but neither little. I notice my length being between Lori's and Steve's. Behind Steve there is standing a guy about my age. He looks really cool, his name is Cody. Cody has blonde dirty looking hair. He is wearing black Vans, a baby pink sweatshirt and a pair of black jeans. "How was your trip?" He asks me. "It was okay, thanks" I say and he looks at me. I think about all the flights i make between London and Amsterdam. This was the longest flight I've ever been on. After we made small talk we walked to the car, Steve carried my suitcase for me. While driving to the house I look outside the window, I am fascinated by the amazing nature. I suddenly feel so small is this big world.

"Omg this house looks so cool!" I whisper to myself. Cody responds "You think so?" I nod in silence. "It's okay" he says. The outside looks amazing, but the inside even more. It is beautiful decorated the furniture is perfectly laid out. It is mostly wood but some black, white and colorful elements make a good balance. Lori looks at me "Come on sweetheart I will show you your room" I follow her. She puts my suitcase in my bedroom. "We will be downstairs if you need anything, okay?" I thank her and unpack my stuff. I'm happy with my room, with my family, the environment. Tomorrow is the first day of school and I am beyond exited. After dinner I fell asleep instantly. A jetlag I suppose.

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