Chapter 1

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It was cruel really. It was cruel that I had to leave my child for months on end to go on tour. They said that she couldn't come with us because she would be 'too big a distraction' for both me and the fans. I don't see how, they all know the situation. 

I was going through a bit of a rough patch, One direction was at the peak of its fame, and as a result I could get any girl I wanted. I was going out to nightclubs a couple of times a week and as a result has a few too many one night stands. Addy was a product of one of those. I don't know which girl it was the one that dumped her on my doorstep three years ago. But all I know is that thy had no backbone. They left my sweet precious baby on a doorstep with only a note saying 'Niall I can't do this anymore. I don't want her.'

After I found the baby the first thing that my management made me do was a DNA test, even though it was painfully obvious that she was mine with her big blue eyes and blonde hair. When the DNA test came back and confirmed the inevitable I really had to step up to the plate .

I threw myself into fatherhood. I spoiled the baby, which I named Addy, with pretty dresses and toys. I got the boys to help me decorate one of my spare rooms into a nursery with pink walls and gold detailing. 

As much of a shock it was to me, I became thankful that Addy had come into my life. I sobered up, stopped partying and set all of my attention on her. I've tried to date a couple of times , but it never really worked out. Addy was always unsure of strangers and not only that but I didn't want anyone else in her life apart from me. It sounds selfish but it's always been Addy and Niall against the world. I didn't want some stranger to come and be part of it only to leave a few months later. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a wailing. 'Coming Princess' I sighed walking over the landing and to her bedroom. I was met with the sight of Addy standing in her crib crying, the usual for every morning. She always cries because she doesn't want to wake up believe it or not. She takes after me in that sense I guess.

I carried Addy into the dining room and sat her on one of the big white chairs whilst I disappeared to go make breakfast. I rummaged through the shelves until I managed to find the Mondale mix. Sighing with relief I poured some batter into the bowl and started to make them. 

As I carried the stack of pancakes into Addy I heard her muttering to herself and I walked in to see her playing with her beloved one direction dolls, which the boys got her for a joke present . I pulled them from her stubby fingers and sat them down in front of her. 

'Addy what do you say to Daddy?' I firmly said.

'Thank you!' She replied happily, stuffing her face with pancakes. I chuckled to myself seeing that she was getting herself into the right mess. I was watching her eat and laughing at her unusual technique until my phone rang. 

'Hello?' I said into it.

'Hi Niall !' Chirped Harry, 'Simon said to meet us at the office in ten minutes , he has some important stuff to discuss' 

'Ok I'll be right there , I just need to get Addy dresses' I said.

'Niall why don't you consider getting a babysitter? I know you love Addy but it can't be nice for her having to be dragged everywhere with you, with the noisy fans and screaming girls?' Harry said.

'Harry for the twentieth time I am not getting a babysitter. Addy is MY daughter. She is MY responsibility. I am not going to hand over her life to a stranger that I don't even know' I snapped and hung up. 

Addy was whimpering due to my harsh tone, so I picked her up and began to rock her in my arms till she settled, just like what I used to do when she was a baby. After she settled u picked her up and carried her into my room. 

'Pick out what you want to wear princess ' I grinned .

Addy squealed with delight and began to rummage around her closet. 'This Daddy this!' She said pointing to her pink dungarees and one direction top to go underneath it. 

'Sure thing sweetie ' I said and quickly changed her into it. I then French braided her hair and finished it with a little bow. I learnt how to French braid after Addy commented on it whilst watching a video and said the girl looked pretty. I'd do pretty much anything for my little girl. 

'Come on Addy, lets go' I sung and picked her up into my arms. 

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