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( real life! )

there she was, standing outside of her brother's apartment in new york.

the same feeling of few days ago, when she was outside of stiles' house, resurfaced.

she put her knuckled against the door, and knocked few times.


she knocked again.

she did few more times but then gave up.
she sighed before turning away, with her suitcase in her hand.

but before she moved, she heard the knob being turned.

she smiled in relief and saw her brother, right in front of her.

her eyes welled up with tears, but her smile dropped when she saw the look on her brother's face.

"hey, wh-what are you doing here?" he questioned, his eyes furrowing in confusion.

she shouldn't have come. she shouldn't have bothered her brother. that's all what was on her mind right now.

"i- uh i came to surprise you- i'm sorry i didn't really- i don't- i" she stuttered before a tear rolled down her cheeks.

her brother instantly hugged her.
"hey hey, shhh i want you to be here," he pulled away and looked her into the eyes "i just- i'm surprised that's all, okay?" he reassured her.

"hey why don't we go for a walk?" he suggested.

she nodded before moving her eyes to the suitcase next to her "i just need to put my stuff in-"

"i'll do it!" she immediately was cut off by jamie

they were now walking in the busy streets of nyc, catching up on things they've done this summer and such.

but however, callie was still thinking about jamie's odd behavior earlier.

"why didn't you want me to be here" she blurted, catching jamie off guard.

"that's not it, cal. i was just surprised-"

"cut the bullshit, james" she snapped at him, catching him off guard, once again. she never was harsh towards him so he might've hurt her feelings really bad.

"look cal, there's so much you don't know about me" he admitted

"wh-what do you mean?" she said furrowing her brows.

"i'll tell you all about it, i swear, it's just- now is not the time."

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