February 22nd

48 3 5

Cole's POV

Yes! I'm finally 16. 

Usually being 16 is a big deal for girls.

But in 3 months I can learn to drive!

My doorbell rang. Yes. Carly's here.

I ran down the stairs to open the door. "Hey Carly!"

She gave me a huge smile. "Happy birthday babe!"

She pecked my lips and I smiled. "Thanks. Let's go upstairs."

"Where's your family?"

"Dad's at work. My mom and sister went out to buy the cake for my party tonight. Dalton and Madison will be here in a while. He's waiting for a ride."

"Oh...so what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know...we haven't had any alone time since you came back from vacation."

"Well true..."

"Let's just lie down and talk."

"That sounds relaxing."


Carly's POV

It wasn't relaxing.

It was....

do I even have to say it?

He rolled over panting.

"Oh God Cole...."

"What?" he said breathless. "Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine!"

"Okay good...I hope you're not weirded out."

"No no. We've done this before. Anyways let's tidy up and get dressed before Maddie and Dalton get here."

"Oh yea that would be a good idea."


At the party Carly's POV

"This is a pretty chill party Cole!" Dalton complimented.

"Thanks bro. My mom and Kylee planned it."

"Cole, Dalton. Meet your new members for IM5. They're over there," Cole's manager said.

Cole and Dalton are being put into a band with 3 other guys to form a boy band.

Cole's POV

"Yo I'm psyched to see these dudes!" Dalton screeched.

"Chill Rapattoni." We walked over to them. "Hi guys! I'm Cole and this is Dalton. Thanks for coming to my birthday."

The tall Asian one gave me a huge smile. "Hey guys. I'm Will Jay. Happy birthday Cole!"

"I'm Dana," said a smaller kid with a hat on. I'm guessing he's the youngest.

There was another guy who looked Hispanic. He also looked like he was older than the rest of us. He took of his Batman baseball cap. "Hi I'm Gabe and Happy Birthday. So.... this is our band guys."

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Dalton said making Will laugh like a crazy kid. Dana and Gabe smiled too and then we all just started laughing. 

After like....... 2 minutes

"Oh God..." I wiped a few tears from my eyes. We were laughing so hard that I started crying. "Well I'm glad we got that out of the way. Dalton's a goofball.  Anywho I was thinking that maybe we 5 should have a guys day tomorrow. You know, get to know eachother and stuff."

Will thought about it. "Yea I guess. That would be fun."

Dalton tapped my shoulder. "Maddie and Carly can have a girls day tomorrow." He turned to the rest of the guys. "Oh by the way, we both have girlfriends. My girlfriend is Madison or Maddie and Cole's girlfriend is Maddie. If you 3 have a girlfriend then they can hang with our girls tomorrow while we hang out."

"Single like a Pringle," Will said.

"I'm too good for a girl," Dana joked.

"My girlfriend Alex can hang with them," Gabe said.

"Well I hope you guys have fun at my party. C'mon. You guys can come meet our girlfriends. Oh Gabe, you should invite Alex over right now."

"She had somewhere else to be tonight. Family reunion."

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