six // him

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Wednesday 3rd August

Dominic Richards's mind was filled with thoughts of a certain brown-haired, mocha-skinned girl. He was so consumed with her that he almost didn't notice that there was no one at the front desk as he entered the library.

The teen frowned, wondering where Kaden was. He walked over to the desk, making sure she wasn't crumpled up on the floor behind it.

"Kaden?" he called, looking around. He spotted two figures near the study area, they seemed to be in conversation. One was slightly taller than the other but they both shared the same slender frame. Dominic recognised the pair as the Terrell sisters, the taller one being Kaden. He creeped towards them as they continued to talk in hushed tones, unaware of his presence.

As he got closer, Dominic realised that Kaden had her fingers snaked around Jordan's thin wrist, seemingly on the verge of tears. Dominic slipped into a random aisle and watched the sisters through a gap in the bookshelf.

"I'm sorry." Kaden said in a shaky voice, her face creased with pain. Jordan offered no response. "I know you see him when you see me." Kaden choked out. The words seemed to spark something in Jordan.

"I don't." she denied, glaring at her sister.

"You do." Kaden insisted. "That's why you won't--"

"You're wrong." Jordan snapped, attempting to break free of her sister's grasp.

"I miss him too." Kaden said, her voice breaking as a tear fell down her rich brown skin. "I loved him too. Maybe not as much as you but I still did." she continued in the same broken voice, more tears spilling down her cheeks.

Dominic focused his gaze on Jordan whose passive expression seemed to be slowly crumbling as her elder sister fell to pieces before her.

"Stop." Jordan whispered, her brown eyes becoming glassy. "Stop it, Kaden." he muttered, still trying to escape her sister's grip.

"Please can we just talk? You're the only one who understands, Danny." Kaden begged as she brushed away a few tears.

"I don't want to talk about it." Jordan mumbled as her gaze drifted from her crying sister to the carpeted floor. "I just... Want to be alone."

More uncontrollable tears spilled down Kaden's sorrow-distorted face.

"Eli wouldn't have wanted us to--"

"I want to be alone!" Jordan yelled, her voice breaking as she finally pulled away from Kaden and stalked off to Aisle 10. Kaden watched as her sister walked away, her breathing erratic. She stood there for a few minutes, breathing heavily before wiping her eyes and striding back to the front desk as if all was well.

Dominic leant against the bookshelf, his duffle bag full of books weighing down his right shoulder. When he though of death he though of graveyards, hearses, black veils. He now realised that he was completely wrong. Death was ugly, it was a tear-stained face hiding down a dark murky corridor. It liked to be alone and reeked of alcohol.

The fact was, death didn't happen to the person that died so much as the people left behind wondering how their lives would ever be the same.


a/n: this got a little deeper than I anticipated, sorry if you weren't expecting it! Remember to vote and comment (:

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