ten // friends

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Saturday 13th August

Dominic Richards had never been to the library on a weekend. He preferred to spend them lazing about at home, playing CoD or bickering with his cousins. Sometimes even both at the same time. But today, he just needed to see Jordan again.

He hadn't even registered what he was doing until his uncle asked him why he was about to drive off his car. The library, I like being there, he'd said, a faint smile on his face.

So here he was, just outside the door of the Stonehall County Library. He walked through the automatic doors and was surprised to find Jordan stood at the front desk, conversing with her sister who was sat behind it.

Kaden's eyes met his and a look of horror overcame her face. She quickly looked away, turning her attention back to her sister. Jordan glanced over her shoulder and noticed Dominic standing at the entrance.

"Hi." she said quickly, her eyes filled with surprise and confusion.

"Hi." he replied, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"It's Saturday." Jordan stated, looking Dominic in the eye.

"Yes." he confirmed with a small nod.

"You don't come here on Saturdays." she stated again.

"Well I'm here today." he replied, his lips curving upwards into a smirk. Jordan's gaze dropped to the floor before she glanced back at the desk.

"Kaden?" she called when she realised that her sister was gone. Jordan turned back to Dominic with a sigh. "I, uh, wanted to say sorry for yesterday." she murmured as they walked to the study area together. At her apology, Dominic stopped. "What?" Jordan asked, looking up at him.

"You don't need to be sorry for it." Dominic said sincerely, his blue eye filled with an emotion that Jordan couldn't quite place.

"I cried into your shirt and--"

"It's fine." Dominic said.

"It's not." Jordan insisted with a frown as her gaze dropped to the ground. "I shouldn't have--"

"That's what friends do for each other, Jordan." Dominic said softly, hooking a finger under Jordan's chin so that she was looking him in the eye.

"Friends." Jordan whispered, biting her lip.

"Friends." Dominic repeated, his eyes skipping to Jordan's mouth for a split second. He moved his hand from under her chin to her cheek, caressing it with his thumb. He paused for a few seconds, not wanting to rush anything, before leaning into Jordan.

Just as their lips brushed, she pulled away guiltily.

"Friends, we're friends." she murmured.

"Yeah, of course." Dominic replied, his tone laced with the slightest hint of disappointment.


Monday 15th August

Dominic was more infatuated with Jordan than ever. Her faint smiles and quiet chuckles were ingrained in his brain, even when they were apart.

The only thing that dampened his affection was the clear one-sidedness of their relationship. Jordan was satisfied with being friends whilst Dominic wanted something more.

As he sat at his usual table with the side of his head resting on a fort created by his arms, Dominic's mind drifted back to Kaden's drunken words from a few nights ago.

"Jordan's not looking for a relationship right now and probably won't ever be because of Eli."

He knew that Eli and Jordan were close friends but he wasn't sure of what their extent their relationship went to. Either way, Dominic was sure that Jordan wouldn't allow him any closer to her than he was now. Their almost-kiss day two days prior had only certified the fact. 

"Dominic." a small voice said. The teen lifted his head from the table, a smirk overcoming his pensive expression. He loved the way she said his name.

"Hello." he answered, brushing away his earlier thoughts.

"So... Um..." Jordan began, fiddling with the hem of her oversized jumper. "You're friends with Mark, right?" she asked hesitantly, her cheeks painted a light pink hue.

"Yeah." Dominic replied with a nod.

"Okay, well could you tell him to... Uh, to stop calling Kaden?" she mumbled.

"Is he bothering her?" Dominic asked with a frown. "I thought they were--"

"No, she doesn't know I'm asking you..." Jordan explained, crossing her ankles. "I just think that's she's better off without a, um, fuck friend at the moment."

Dominic's jaw dropped at Jordan's brazen statement.

"I don't mean it in a rude way." she added hastily. "I have nothing against Mark but they're just using each other..."

"That's very true." Dominic replied, grinning as he took out his phone. "Don't worry, I'll tell him that Kaden's little sister wants him to back off--"

"Dominic!" Jordan cried out in shock.

"Hey M," he began, typing into his phone as he spoke, "I was just talking to Kaden's little sister and she said--"

"Dominic don't!" Jordan urged, rushing over to the boy and attempting to pry the phone out of his hands.

"Ah, ah, ah." he scolded, jumping up and holding the device above his head.

"Please don't send it, Kaden would do something completely evil like switching my hair conditioner for shampoo or hiding my coconut oil or--

"It's okay Jordan, it's a joke." Dominic said, placing his hands on the girl's shoulders and grinning at her.

"A joke." she repeated, her brown eyes wide.

"Yes, they're supposed to make you laugh, or at least vaguely amused." Dominic replied, chuckling.

"Oh, it's just been a while... Since anyone's joked with me." Jordan admitted, her cheeks heating up.

"Well I'm glad I was the one to remind you what it feels like." Dominic said softly, his ice blue eyes boring into hers.


a/n: this chapter was probably the cutest one so far (: any thoughts? It wouldn't do any harm to drop me a vote either!

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