tag stufffff pt 44483

28 1 9

Favorite animals? Anteaters

How are you feeling? Tired and depressed and I have a headache

Do you like monster high? Kinda not really

Any fetishes? Idk

Relationship status? Single pringle

Oldest boyfriend/girlfriend? Boy=12

Favorite colors? Black red grey green and blue

Turn ons? When someone plays with my hair. Or tells me I'm beautiful even know I'm not. Or kisses my jawline

Turn offs? When someone yells at me or hits me

Age? 12 years young

Favorite flavor of ice cream? Vanilla or chocolate probably

Are you a nice person in real life? Yea

Favorite letters? I don't know Tbh. Probably A or M or F or L

Favorite youtuber? Shane dawson or onision

Do you like your body? Fuck no

What do you look for in a person? Someone who is kind and has humor. Likes bands and art. Has a good personality and who is happy with who they are and don't care what people think. Someone who makes me smile.

Someone I miss?
My best friend and my cousin

Something I hate? People who cut for attention. And homophobia

My face. My gross chubby legs. My body in General. Most of all my stomach. My hair.

Favorite hobby? Acting in a film I'm in at school

Girls I trust?
My friends...ummm I don't really have any friends on here because NO one cares for me on here

Guys I trust?
4 friends on kik and my friends on instagram

Do you have trust issues?
Not REALLY kinda

Last person you held hands with? My friend bishop

Do you think you will be in a relationship in two months from now? I hope so

Place you wanna move to? Londen or California.

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