Going Through The Moon

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After I finally adjusted my hands,and I zoomed clearly on the moon. I can see so many holes in there,and a tiny house.. Of course it is not tiny or even not as tiny as an ant but the moon is so so far from us. The moon is far by 370,300 Km. What a HUGE number!

I can also see a tiny shadow of something or someone ,but I can't recognize if it is male or a female or even a human or an animal or maybe a creature.

My ideas were swinging in my mind about what I saw in the telescope,it is unbelievable. How can anyone predict to see a "creature" living on the moon while there is no air or water.

Today is the Christmas eve,everybody is celebrating even ME! Actually,I was excited to invite this "creature" to our party or at least surprise it with a gift.

I got a paper and I wrote on it some pretty words, and I thought of a gift that NO ONE could expect!

I also got a ladder and I went up on it to try to throw it to the moon,but I failed. Furthermore, I bought an arrow and a bow as a new trial to target the moon with the celebrating paper. But I FAILED too!

What do you think Maria bought?

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